Category Archives: Nikon D5000

Nikon D5000 pictures

Why does it look like a full frame camera (viewfinder size)? I remember at one point I received a rumor that the new built-in flash will be bigger, and will swivel – something like the SB-400. I also see a mic on top of the D5000 label.       More updates on the way. I […]

Posted in Nikon D5000 | 69 Comments

What is this camera?

I received this link to a dpreview thread about the new Nikon camera that leaked few days ago. On page six at the bottom you will find this picture: My first impression was that the viewfinder is too big for an entry level Nikon DSLR but then I tried to find exactly what camera this […]

Posted in Nikon D5000 | 54 Comments

Nikon D5000 started to come out of the woods

Sent in by a reader: “A popular camera store here in Sweden has a special campaign where you get a free Nikon T-shirt when buying a D90, a D5000 or a selected lens.” Can someone in Sweden call this store for more details? Thanks. Source

Posted in Nikon D5000 | 17 Comments

Just some crops for comparison

Some crops form the spy shots:    and for comparison here is a D40 shot from above: As some readers have noticed, the pop-up flash shape is different and the mode dial button has 13 settings (the D40 has only 12). I think one of the settings reads “SCENE”, the rest appear to be identical.

Also posted in Nikon D400 | 46 Comments

This is the real deal (Nikon D5000)

A reader sent me the following link from a local Dubrovnik website (Google translation): “During the last three days in the historical center in several different locations recorded the advertising spot for the new camera manufacturer Nikon known. The main protagonist is a young man shooting in Vienna and model who always wears Versace shows, while […]

Posted in Nikon D5000 | 39 Comments

Got 3 more (Nikon D5000)

I actually got in touch with the person who took those pictures. The location was Dubrovnik, Croatia where a camera crew was shooting a commercial (possibly for Nikon). The pictures were taken yesterday. I also got 3 new ones (click for high-res):    Update: forgot to mention that the camera used in the commercial shoot was […]

Also posted in Nikon D400 | 39 Comments

More spy shots (Nikon D5000)

Click on image for high-res version.

Posted in Nikon D5000 | 57 Comments