Tag Archives: Nikon interviews

Interview with the team who worked on the Nikon D850 camera

A while back I posted links to a recent DC.Watch interview with the team who worked on the Nikon D850 camera. Yesterday a member of the NikonGear forum posted a nice recap of the interview:

Posted in Nikon D850 | Tagged | 125 Comments

New interview with Tetsuro Goto from Nikon: “full frame is the trend, if Nikon will go mirrorless it must be full frame”

The Chinese website Xitek published a new interview with Tetsuro Goto from Nikon. Here is a translation of the main points from the interview:

Posted in Nikon Df2, Nikon Mirrorless Camera | Also tagged , , , | 459 Comments

Nikon to focus on 8k digital cameras, healthcare

From a recent interview with Nikon’s President Kazuo Ushida – Nikon to focus on 8k digital camera, healthcare (Google translation):

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Nikon’s president confirms new mirrorless camera in an interview

Last week the Japanese newspaper Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun published an interview with Nikon’s President Mr. Kazuo Ushida. In the interview Mr. Ushida hinted again (see also this post) that Nikon will be releasing a new mirrorless camera – see the Google translation of the article (fourth paragraph):

Posted in Nikon 1, Nikon Mirrorless Camera | Also tagged , | 198 Comments

Chasseurs d’Images interviews the president of Nikon France *UPDATED*

A few weeks ago the French magazine “Chasseurs d’Images” published an interview with Benoit Dieuleveult, President of Nikon France. After some readers helped me with the translation (thanks), here are the most interesting parts of the interview:

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Nikon: we plan to concentrate on mid-to-high-end DSLR and mirrorless cameras and lenses

Several Japanese news outlets published an article based on an interview with Nikon executives. Here are the key points from a Google translation (if you have a better translation, please post it in the comments section):

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Dpreview interview with Nikon: “we’ll keep doing what we’re doing”

Today Dpreview published their interview with Nikon at Photokina and as the editor mentioned in the comments, Nikon’s answer on the future of the DSLR (and few other questions) appears to be “we’ll keep doing what we’re doing“. Here are few other quotes that just confirm this statement:

Posted in Nikon 1 | Also tagged | 198 Comments