Tag Archives: Nikon concept

What the Nikon Coolpix A camera should have been?

Several readers emailed me their ideas of what the Nikon Coolpix A camera should have been. If you have your own photoshopped concept of a mirrorless/compact camera, add it to the comments section (yes, you can upload images in the comments section). What everyone really wants is a Nikon S3 digital rangefinder:

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New Nikon prototype/concept cameras on display in France

Nikon displayed some new prototype/concept cameras as part of the Hello Demain (Hello Tomorrow) exhibition at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie (Paris, France). The first Nikon camera prototype has three interchangeable pieces –  LCD screen, lens and a grip:

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Nikon D5R concept camera

This Nikon D5R camera is a designer’s concept created by Ned Mulka. The idea is to include the mirror, prism and sensor into a rotating element that can reduce the camera size and weight (see this slideshow for a detailed description of this concept).

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Nikon D800 design concept camera

Tecnofotografia published a new Nikon D800 design concept that features a wireless screen, replaceable rubber cover that fits the shape of your hand, rotating grip for video recording that simulates holding a camcorder and more:

Posted in Nikon D800 | Tagged | 362 Comments

Nikon D4x (design concept)

Industrial Designer Marc Levinson created a Nikon D4x concept (click on image for larger view): See more Nikon concepts here. More pictures after the break:

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Another Nikon Coolpix concept

Those two Nikon Coolpix concepts are designed by Nikolay Komaro: Via Tuvie

Posted in Nikon Point and Shoot | Tagged | 26 Comments

Nikon Coolpix 3M concept camera

Nikon Cpolpix 3M concepts : all-weather + all-terrain”: and two short videos: Via Yankodesign

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