Nikon D750 body only price in Germany: 2,149 EUR (around $2,700)

Update: see also the Nikon D750 specification listed on the same website.

When you search for “D750” at German price compare website, you will get three results from Calumet Photo Germany with the following prices:

  • Nikon D750 body only: 2,149 EUR (around $2,700)
  • Nikon D750 lens kit with 24-120mm f/4 lens: 2,699 EUR ($3,400)
  • Nikon D750 lens kit with 24-85mm f/3,5 4,5 lens: 2,699 EUR ($3,400)

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Confirmed: Zeiss Otus 85mm f/1.4 is the best performing portrait lens ever tested by DxOMark

DxOmark concluded that the $4,490  Zeiss Otus 85mm f/1.4 lens (announced few days ago) is currently the best performing 85mm portrait lens for Nikon F mount. Here is their conclusion:

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New Samyang 12mm f/2.8 ED AS NCS fisheye full frame lens for Nikon mount announced

Samyang announced a new 12mm f/2.8 ED AS NCS fisheye full frame lens for Nikon F mount. For additional information, including few sample images, visit

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Nikon D810 cameras with thermal fix are marked with a blue dot on the box

After my weekend post, several readers from different countries confirmed that their new Nikon D810 camera they purchased from the new batch do indeed have a blue dot marking on the box to indicate that the thermal fix was already applied. Not all cameras with a blue dot on the box have the black dot inside the tripod socket (this is also based on reports from readers).

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Nikon invitation for press conference on September 12th in Thailand

Nikon already sent out press invitation in Thailand for an event on September 12th at 10:30 (Bangkok time). For US readers, the official announcement will be around midnight on September 10th or 11th. I am surprised that Nikon decided to do the press event on a Friday (maybe this is a post-announcement event).

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Zeiss Otus 85mm f/1.4 Apo Planar T* lens for Nikon F mount officially announced

The Zeiss Otus 85mm f/1.4 Apo Planar T* lens for Nikon F mount is now officially announced. The lens is available for pre-order at $4,490. For ad additional information, technical specifications and sample images, check this post on

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Weekly Nikon news flash #279

Zeiss Otus 85mm f:1.4 lens
→ Zeiss Otus 85mm f/1.4 Apo Planar T* lens will be announced tomorrow (US price: $4,490).

Sigma to announce tow new lenses: 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM and 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 DC MACRO OS HSM.

→ Refurbished Nikon D4 listed for $4,495 at Adorama and eBay.


→ The Sigma 50mm f/1.4 EX DG HSM lens (old version) is now $150 off.

→ Nikon UK published a new articleWhich version of Distortion Control Data can I install“. The new Nikon Distortion Control Data version 2.005 can be downloaded here.

Nikon released a new version of Nikon Transfer 2.

→ Article from Sony, Samsung dominating digital camera market while Canon, Nikon struggle.

→ New Capture NX-D support article: “Capture NX-D version 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 changing resolution (dpi) during file conversion causes reduced resolution of saved image”.

→ The latest CIPA data for camera shipment in Japan for July, 2014.

→ The Nikon D810 cameras in France that already have the thermal fix are marked with a blue dot on the box (not sure if this is valid for other countries).

→ Nikon D810 vs. D800E by DigitalRev:

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