Category Archives: Nikon Patents

Nikon patents new mechanical focal-plane shutter adapted for mirrorless

Nikon filed a patent in Japan (P2017-194642A) for a mechanical focal-plane shutter adapted for mirrorless cameras. It’s coming…

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Nikon’s patent for split pixel patterns and on-sensor PDAF

Nikon filed a patent in Japan for split pixel patterns and electrical circuit design for cross on-sensor PDAF (the split pixel might be for the green color). The patent describes two read-out circuits, one for PDAF and another for images from the split pixel. Additional information is available here.

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Nikon has a design patent for a new Coolpix superzoom camera

Nikon has a new design patent (date of patent: August 29th, 2017) for a Coolpix superzoom camera. This could be the rumored replacement of the P900 or a new version of the B500/B700 models. Here are a few side-by-side comparisons with the current Coolpix models:

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New Nikon 24mm f/1.8 full-frame and APS-C mirrorless lens patents filed in Japan

New Nikon patents were filed in Japan for a Nikon 24mm f/1.8 full-frame and APS-C mirrorless lenses:

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New Nikon patents: Nikkor 52mm f/0.9 and 36mm f/1.2 full frame mirrorless lenses

Nikon has new patents filed in Japan for a 52mm f/0.9 and 36mm f/1.2 full frame mirrorless lenses:

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Let’s start talking about the upcoming Nikon mirrorless camera

Let’s start talking about the upcoming Nikon mirrorless camera I have been reporting about the new Nikon mirrorless camera for over a year now, but I still don’t have any reliable technical details. Several different scenarios are possible: Nikon will bring back the Nikon 1 with a new and better adapter. Maybe they can squeeze […]

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Catching up on the latest Nikon patents (more mirrorless hints)

I have not reported on the latest Nikon patents in a while, here is a quick recap (a reminder: as some have found out recently, previous patents are not a guarantee for future products):

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