Category Archives: Nikon D4

Recap of what’s next

I first want to start with a quote from Donald Rumsfeld (thanks for bringing that one up broxibear) “There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown […]

Also posted in Nikon 1, Nikon D800 | Tagged | 252 Comments

There is definitely another Nikon announcement on the way

Another Nikon announcement is definitely coming in the next few weeks. I do not have the exact date yet. Nikon will also release their mirrorless interchangeable lens camera in the next few weeks. I am not sure if the next announcement will be only about the mirrorless solution or it will include DSLR as well.

Also posted in Nikon 1, Nikon D800 | Tagged | 285 Comments

Joe McNally used Nikon D3x and D7000 for his latest project

Joe McNally just publish a new video on YouTube about his upcoming exhibition. First kudos to Mr. McNally for doing this project and sorry for all the rumors talk that got generated in the past few weeks (after all I said it was a coincidence :). With no disrespect to the subject matter, the video has a […]

Posted in Nikon D4 | 68 Comments

“Imagine the Nikon D4” contest winner announcment

Here are the results of the “Imagine the Nikon D4” contest: the winner with 2,948 votes is Ramon Alvarez with this image:

Posted in Nikon D4 | 51 Comments

Another press event on August 24th

In addition to Nikon and Sony, there will be another press event on August 24th for Joe McNally’s exhibition at the Time Warner Center called “Faces of Ground Zero, Portraits of The Heroes of September 11, 2011”:

Also posted in Nikon D800 | 171 Comments

The 50/50 [NR] roller coaster

The ratio of tips and rumors I received for a new DSLR vs. mirrorless camera announcement on August 24 is 50/50. The main difference is that I got some details on the mirrorless camera and nothing on the DSLR front. This is why I changed  my “prediction” from two DSLR bodies to a mirrorless only […]

Also posted in Nikon 1, Nikon D800 | Tagged | 324 Comments

Nikon press release: Joe McNally was using “the latest Nikon cameras” for his new exhibition

I mentioned last week about Joe McNally’s upcoming exhibition that will open on August 24th. Today Nikon issued a press release that contained the following paragraph: Based on McNally’s renowned “Faces of Ground Zero, Portraits of the Heroes of September 11, 2001,” this updated special exhibition will feature original life-size portraits, along with new digital images and […]

Posted in Nikon D4 | 170 Comments