Monthly Archives: September 2011

Guest post: PocketWizard review

This guest post on PocketWizard was written by Jon G. Dishler: PocketWizard is well known to the wireless flash photography world [with classics like the Plus II] for basic flash triggering and more recently for advanced triggering with the TT5 and Mini TT1 radios. One really nice feature is the ability to update these radios over the […]

Posted in [NR] Reviews | Tagged | 41 Comments

Guest post: Dark Frame Subtraction

This guest post on Dark Frame Subtraction was written by Paul Marchant: It is often true that some of the best ideas come from end users that feed the product roadmap get features implemented.  Two worthy ideas for consideration are: Self calibration of dark frame subtraction for noise reduction Exporting calibrated dark frame images for raw post […]

Posted in Other Nikon stuff | Tagged | 19 Comments

Nikon V1 and J1: the new mirrorless cameras from Nikon

The two models of the Nikon mirrorless camera will be called Nikon V1 and Nikon J1*. The mockups I posted online I believe are of the V1 model. Both bodies will be identical, except that one will have a self timer LED on the top right and different colors for the lens release button (one will […]

Posted in Nikon 1 | 408 Comments

September 21st Nikon press events confirmed also in France, Germany, Romania, South Africa and China

In addition to Austria, Italy and Switzerland I have now confirmations for Nikon press events on September 21st in China, France (see above screenshot) and Romania where the event will take place at the National Modern Art Museum in Bucharest. Nikon is really putting a lot of effort into the next announcement. I will repeat again: I do not […]

Posted in Nikon 1 | Tagged | 46 Comments

Satellite images of Nikon Sendai plant before and after the earthquake

Just a quick reminder of the events that took place in Japan few months ago. Please be patient, there could be many reasons why Nikon is taking their time with the next wave of full frame cameras (btw, I have the full detailed specs for the Nikon mirrorless camera that I will publish online in few […]

Posted in Other Nikon stuff | Tagged | 57 Comments

Red Nikon D3100 spotted in BestBuy

The new red Nikon D3100 DSLR camera was spotted at BestBuy (big US retailer): There is still no listing on their website, but it seems that the camera will be available also in the US. Source: @tdeBruyn | Yfrog

Posted in Nikon D3100 | 79 Comments

Nikon mirrorless camera price estimation

According to Nikkei (via Reuters) Nikon’s mirrorless camera + lens combo will cost between 70,000 – 100,000 yen or between 900 – 1,300 USD. US prices are usually slightly lower than the MSRP in Japan. For comparison, the Sony NEX-5N, Panasonic G3 and Olympus E-PL3 kits cost $699 each. The Pentax Q costs $799 and Samsung NX200 kit costs $899.

Posted in Nikon 1 | 180 Comments