Monthly Archives: September 2011

Weekly Nikon news flash #129

With the Nikon 1 announcement this week, there was not much else going on in Nikon’s world: MyShutterCount will tell you how many times you “clicked” your digital camera. A reader sent me a screenshots as a proof that his Nikon D2x clicked 691,701 times and is still going. Can someone beat this? Check also this website for camera […]

Posted in Weekly Nikon News Flash | 106 Comments will be down for maintenance tonight

One dedicated server can no longer handle the NikonRumors traffic. My hosting company will be adding a second server tonight. Two servers with a front-end load balancer should be able to handle the expected traffic spike for the D800/D4 announcement (whenever that would be). Tonight at 11:00 pm (EST) will be down for approximately […]

Posted in Other Nikon stuff | 93 Comments

Last Nikon 1 recap, I promise

This is the last Nikon 1 recap, I promise: AP:  a senior Nikon official said that Nikon is not worried if Canon announces a mirrorless camera with a larger sensor Nikon expects their new mirrorless cameras to become #1 in Taiwan and Malaysia. All Nikon 1 products are made in China. Nikon J1 is really small – […]

Posted in Nikon 1 | 178 Comments

Nikon Sweden executive: no new full frame cameras in October

Swedish Nikon executive Lasse Pettersson answered this question during a live Q&A interview yesterday about the new Nikon mirrorless cameras (about 22:45 minutes into this clip): Reporter: “The question everybody asks; when will the D4 or D800 be released? Lasse Pettersson: [Jokingly] “Later!” Reporter: “Will they be announced at the event in October?” Lasse Pettersson: “No, […]

Posted in Nikon D4, Nikon D800 | 252 Comments

Poll #2: Are you going to buy the new Nikon 1 mirrorless camera?

Few weeks ago I posted a poll to see what percentage of [NR] readers were planning to buy the Nikon mirrorless camera. Those were the results: Today I would like to see if some of you have changed their mind after the Nikon 1 is already official: Are you going to buy the new Nikon […]

Posted in Nikon 1 | Tagged | 239 Comments

Pretty damn close

The Nikon mirrorless mockups I received few weeks ago were pretty accurate:

Posted in Nikon 1 | 61 Comments

But wait, there is more… next month

Nikon will have another announcement in October, 2011. I do not have an exact date yet, but the week of 17-21 looks right. Unfortunately, there will probably not be any full frame DSLR cameras introduced next month. I have no idea what’s coming and would like to again lower your expectations by saying that next […]

Posted in Nikon D4, Nikon D800 | 214 Comments