Tag Archives: to be discontinued…

Nikon DX cameras and lenses are slowly disappearing

Many Nikon DX DSLR cameras and lenses are out of stock in the US: Most Nikon D3500 camera combinations are out of stock at Adorama and B&H The same is the situation with the  Nikon D5600: Adorama | B&H Even the D7500 is not available in many configurations: Adorama | B&H The Nikon D500 has been out of stock for months: […]

Posted in Nikon D3500, Nikon D5600, Nikon D7500 | Also tagged , , | 290 Comments

Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 500mm f/5.6E PF ED VR lens discontinued?

I got multiple emails about a recent response from Nikon UK/EU support indicating that the Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 500mm f/5.6E PF ED VR lens is already discontinued (click for larger view): I personally don’t believe this is the case, since the 500mm f/5.6 PF lens is one of the best-selling lenses Nikon ever produced. I […]

Posted in Nikon Lenses | Also tagged , | 199 Comments

Nikon D3500 and D5600 listed as discontinued

Nikon Japan (translated) is now listing the Nikon D3500 and D5600 DSLR cameras as “old products” which historically is an indication that the two models are already or will soon be discontinued. As Digicame-info noted, the Nikon D5600 was the number one best-selling DSLR camera in Japan last year (according to BCN ranking). The D3500 lens kit is currently […]

Posted in Nikon D3500, Nikon D5600 | Also tagged , , , , , | 200 Comments

The Nikon F6 film SLR camera is now officially discontinued

In October I reported that the Nikon F6 film SLR camera was already discontinued in Europe. Today B&H sent out email notifications indicating that they have also listed the Nikon F6 as discontinued: The Nikon F6 is also discontinued at Adorama: The Nikon F6 is now also listed as discontinued on the official Nikon Japan […]

Posted in Other Nikon stuff | Also tagged , | 69 Comments

The Nikon Df camera is slowly disappearing

The Nikon Df camera is not officially discontinued yet, but it is slowly disappearing from store shelves (the Nikon Df was announced 7 years ago): Adorama: no longer available (not even listed in the search results) B&H: some configurations are still in stock Amazon: limited availability Here is a report from Japan:

Posted in Nikon Df | Also tagged | 94 Comments

Nikon F6, D5, several Nikkor Ai-S and AF-S DX lenses now listed as discontinued

Nikon dealers in Europe received notifications that the following products are already discontinued and cannot be ordered: Nikon D5 Nikon SB-300 Nikon F6 Nikkor Ai-S 50mm f/1.2 Nikkor 24mm f/2.8

Posted in Nikon D5 | Also tagged , | 230 Comments

Nikon Coolpix P900 camera is now discontinued

The Nikon Coolpix P900 camera with 166x optical zoom and 332x digital zoom is now listed as discontinued at B&H and at WEX (Adorama already removed the listing). A few P900 cameras are still in stock at Amazon. The P900 is also listed as discontinued at the official Nikon Japan website.

Posted in Nikon Point and Shoot | Also tagged , | 71 Comments