→ Film Convert and Cine Match now support the Nikon Z9 camera. → 3D printed Nikon body caps. → Zemlin Photo released an updated Nikon Z9 eye cup eyepiece with a custom molded silicone eye cup.
→ Film Convert and Cine Match now support the Nikon Z9 camera. → 3D printed Nikon body caps. → Zemlin Photo released an updated Nikon Z9 eye cup eyepiece with a custom molded silicone eye cup.
→ New: 7artisans EF-NZ autofocus lens adapter (Canon EF/EF-S lens to Nikon Z camera). → New: GL Optics rehoused Nikkor ED 50-300mm T4.6 cinema lens. → Terrifying close-up photo of an ant – part of the latest Nikon Small World competition. → H&Y Filters released a new Swift Magnetic adapter ring for the Nikkor Z […]
→ The latest Black Friday deals by brand (Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fuji, Olympus, Panasonic, Tamron, Sigma, Voigtlander, Zeiss, Rokinon, Tokina, SLRMagic, Laowa, Godox). More Black Friday deals can be found here. I will make a separate post on the latest Nikon offers (still gathering all the details). There will not be much else going on next […]
→ The latest Kickstarter/Indiegogo updates: Ending tomorrow: the lightest and most compact 3-in-1 travel HEIPI tripod raised almost $1M. POD MINI adaptable macro lighting system raised almost $50k SPINN CW.01 protective wrap for camera gear KUVRD camera protection Pinhole Pro Max lens LEVANTE Waterproof Modular Daily Backpack Maven color-coded magnetic filters Feiyu Scorp Mini:4-in-1 […]
→ SPINN.DESIGN already had several successful crowdfunding campaigns. Their latest project SPINN CW.01 protective wrap for camera gear raised over $200k on Kickstarter and is now available for purchase directly from the SPINN Desing online store. The previous SPIN products are also available. You can get 10% off your order with code SPD10-RUMORS. → AlexOnRAW released […]
→ Kickstarter updates: The HEIPI tripod (the lightest and most compact 3-in-1 travel tripod) raised almost half a million dollars on Kickstarter. The Maven color-coded magnetic filters raised almost 300k on Kickstarter. → ON1 released their new 2023 Professional Plugins Bundle (new versions of ON1 Effects, NoNoise AI, Resize AI, Portrait AI, and HDR) – additional information […]
→Topaz Labs released a new version of Video Enhance AI with a new interface and improved AI technology (more info available here). Topaz Video AI is now $140 off (use code GETVIDEOAI for an additional 15% off). → New on Kickstarter: HEIPI is the lightest and most compact 3-in-1 travel tripod – in just a few days […]