Category Archives: Nikon D7100

Nikon D7100

Nikon MB-D15 battery grip for D7100 now shipping, currently in stock

Nikon MB-D15 battery grip for D7100 is now shipping in the US and is currently in stock at B&H. The Nikon Coolpix A will start shipping today or tomorrow – it is already en route to retailers. This is the final product release from the recent series of Nikon announcements. I expect the next few months […]

Posted in Nikon D7100 | 85 Comments

The latest Nikon D7100 news *UPDATED*

Few quick updates on the Nikon D7100 DSLR camera: The Nikon D7100 body only is currently in stock at B&H. Here is a quick and easy hack to get ACR (CS6) or LR4 to handle D7100 files. It involves modifying the EXIF data so that it looks like a D5200 file. In this video (at […]

Posted in Nikon D7100 | 82 Comments

Nikon D7100 body only now in stock

Update: the D7100 body only sold out at Best Buy and is now listed as “not available for shipping”. The ship to store option is still available. Nikon D7100 body only is currently in stock at BestBuy. The camera is listed to ship from the warehouse for free in one business day. New D7100 sample […]

Posted in Nikon D7100 | 50 Comments

Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 7.4 release candidate does support the Nikon D7100

Update: Adobe contacted me and told me that the D7100 listing for the Camera Raw 7.4 release candidate was a mistake – they have since removed it from their website. The latest Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 7.4 release candidate does have added support for the just released Nikon D7100 DSLR camera. Adobe Lightroom 4.4 release candidate however does […]

Posted in Nikon D7100 | Tagged | 23 Comments

Nikon D7100 now shipping in the US, limited in-stock availability, D7100 digitutor and manual available online

Nikon D7100 started shipping in the US today. Currently only D7100 kits are in stock at Amazon, B&H and Adorama. The D7100 digitutor is also available online. The Nikon D7100 manual can be downloaded here.

Posted in Nikon D7100 | 70 Comments

Nikon D7100 kit instant rebates now live

The new Nikon D7100 instant rebates are now live at B&H (for the additional savings, click on the Buy Together & Save link): $100 savings for the D7100 + 18-105mm kit Additional $200 savings on the Nikkor 70-300mm lens Additional $150 savings on the Nikkor AF-S 55-300mm lens Additional $100 savings on the the Nikkor 55-200mm lens Additional […]

Also posted in Deals | Tagged | 33 Comments

Nikon D7100 now shipping in Europe, new sample images available online

The Nikon D7100 is currently shipping in Europe. In the US the camera is expected to start shipping tomorrow (March 14th). If you have pre-ordered the D7100 kit, you may have to call your store to adjust the price after the new $100 instant rebate kicks in tonight. Here are some additional sample images from the D7100:

Posted in Nikon D7100 | 53 Comments