Category Archives: Nikon D700

Nikon D3 price drop

As reported by Craig, the price of the Nikon D3 has drop as well: currently $4818.98 @ Amazon Update: B&H also reduced the price of the D3 to $4819.95

Also posted in Deals, Nikon D3x | 10 Comments

In times like this you got to have a sense of humor – we present you the real Nikon D700 (humor-rumor)!

Thank you Daniel, this is funny! We got a humor-rumor: Picture temporary unavailable. Do I have to add a poll?

Also posted in Nikon Humor Rumor | 14 Comments

The saga continues: official Nikon D700 picture?

Update: Rumor BUSTED! Let me say this – the source is very reliable! You should see this on next week (according to the source). Here is the picture: and here is the poll: <a href=”” mce_href=””>The saga continues…</a> <br /> <span style=”font-size:9px;” mce_style=”font-size:9px;”> (<a href=”” mce_href=””> polls</a>)</span>

Posted in Nikon D700 | 34 Comments

Now the big day is Monday, June 30th? (via PhotographyBay): “Nikon will be announcing the new Nikon D700 on Monday 30th June! Check back soon for details, images and specifications.” Here is the link.

Posted in Nikon D700 | 1 Comment

Another Nikon D700 picture

Real or Fake? That is the question: <a href=”” mce_href=””>Real or Fake? That is the question:</a> <br /> <span style=”font-size:9px;” mce_style=”font-size:9px;”> (<a href=”” mce_href=””> polls</a>)</span>

Posted in Nikon D700 | 11 Comments

You can now order your Nikon D700

Here is the link:[tt_news]=131&tx_ttnews[backPid]=18 Internet information: Mid range D-SLR camera from Nikon featuring a 12,1 megapixel full frame sensor. These specs has been on the internet for a few weeks. On july 1st Nikon will have a press release on something – possibly this: Nikon has again proved capable of playing the big game. […]

Posted in Nikon D700 | 3 Comments

Nikon D700 price revealed!

A reader sent me this link: This site will show you the price of the Nikon D700! I assume the site will be taken down very soon, so here is a snapshot: By the way is a legit site!

Posted in Nikon D700 | 16 Comments