Category Archives: Nikon D4s

Nikon D4s and the new EN-EL18a battery now in stock

  The Nikon D4s and the new EN-EL18a battery for the D4s are now in stock at B&H Nikon D4s Nikon EN-EL18a battery Update: B&H lists on their website that the new Nikon EN-EL18a battery is compatible with the Nikon D4:

Posted in Nikon D4s | 18 Comments

Nikon D4s firmware updated C 1.01 released

Nikon just released firmware update C 1.01 for the Nikon D4s camera. Download links: Nikon USA Nikon EU Here is the changelog:

Posted in Nikon D4s | Tagged | 28 Comments

Nikon D4s: a hands-on review with comparisons to the D4

Nikon D4S: a hands-on review with comparisons to the D4 by Tom Grill (Web | Blog). As aways, click on images for larger view): The lineage of Nikon flagship models, the D3, D3s, D4, and now the D4s, are absolute workhorses, and best of breed at what they do. In the hands of a working pro, this camera […]

Also posted in Nikon D4, [NR] Reviews | Tagged , | 85 Comments

Adobe Camera Raw 8.4 and Lightroom 5.4 now available with support for the latest Nikon cameras and lenses

In addition to the new Lightroom for iPad, Adobe also released Camera Raw 8.4, DNG Converter 8.4 and Lightroom 5.4 with support for the latest Nikon cameras and lenses: Adobe Lightroom 5.4 with support for Nikon D4s: Macintosh | Windows Adobe DNG Converter 8.4 with support for Nikon 1 V3, Coolpix P340, D3300 and D4S cameras: Macintosh | Windows Adobe Camera Raw […]

Also posted in Nikon 1, Nikon D3300 | Tagged , | 50 Comments

New Nikon D4s videos

The making of “Dedicated” by Corey Rich (the “Dedicated” trailer was shot entirely with the new D4s camera): Director, photographer and Nikon Ambassador Corey Rich was presented with a great, though certainly not simple and straightforward opportunity: Create a short film, and a behind-the-scenes film, about three prolific photographers using the new Nikon D4s in seven locations […]

Posted in Nikon D4s | 27 Comments

Weekly Nikon news flash #256

→ Samsung announced a new mirrorless camera system with 1″ sensor (just like the Nikon 1). → New book: Nikon Df Experience. → DxO Optics Pro v9.1.4 released with Nikon D4s support.   → Nikon expects 20% growth in the DSLR camera segment in India. This year Nikon has 55% of the DSLR market share in that country.

Also posted in Weekly Nikon News Flash | 19 Comments

New Nikon D4s videos

Nikon D4 vs. Nikon D4s shutter mechanism comparison video:

Posted in Nikon D4s | 34 Comments