Category Archives: Nikon D400

Nikon event in Taipei tomorrow

Update: the event in Taipei was for the already announced Coolpix cameras – see this report for more info. Nikon has scheduled an event in Taipei for tomorrow (March 22nd, 2011). The only detail I have is the text 新品體驗會 (translation: “the experience of new models” or “an experience of new stuff“). The event will […]

Also posted in Nikon 1, Nikon D5100 | Tagged | 66 Comments

Nikon D300s slowly phasing out

A follow up on this post from yesterday: Nikon Service Point Munchen is selling their Nikon D300s demo camera on eBay: Nikon Service Point Munchen has been a good indicator of discontinued products in the past: when they sold their last D300 on eBay in 2009, the D300s was announced a month later.

Also posted in Nikon D300s | Tagged | 167 Comments

Nikon D300s orders no longer possible in Switzerland

The Swiss retailer Brack (in English) has listed the Nikon D300s as “keine nachbestellung möglich” which means “can not be ordered any longer”: A reader contacted the store directly and got the same response from the product manager. Brack is a large electronics reseller and they deliver to several different stores in Switzerland. After the release of the D7000, the price of […]

Also posted in Nikon D300s | Tagged | 52 Comments

Sony rumored to announce 24MP APS-C sensor, what would Nikon do? (Nikon D400)

Amateur Photographer is not big on reporting rumors, but today they did just that: the Sony α700 replacement is rumored to have a new APS-C sensor with high ISO “up into the hundreds of thousands” and resolution of 25MP. The potential release is expected to be around September at PMA 2011 (now called CliQ 2011). This upcoming sensor from […]

Posted in Nikon D400 | 199 Comments

Nikon D400 @Capture NX 2 screenshot

Update: the photographer posted this comment on his Facebook page: “This has gone so far. I’m just joking among friends. I didn’t write anything about it, just posted the photo, no description. But you have to wait for the news at the end of this month. There’s a new model, not sure if it’s this […]

Posted in Nikon D400 | 206 Comments

Nikon D500 rumor from Russia

Update: the ISO 3200 is not the maximum value but rather a comment from the photographer that ISO 3200 was very usable. Also, it was mentioned in the comments that this could be the replacement of the D300s (info sent by some native speakers – thanks). This rumor came from the World Wide Web and […]

Posted in Nikon D400 | 107 Comments

Update on the latest Nikon D400 book listing

This the response from the publisher regarding the latest Nikon D400 book listing: “Wir hatten aus einer in der Regel sehr zuverlässigen Quelle die Information, dass Nikon demnächst eine Kamera mit dem Modellnamen D400 ankündigen wird. Dementsprechend hatten wir ein Buch dazu bereits fest eingeplant. Bislang hat sich das leider nicht bewahrheitet und uns liegen keine […]

Posted in Nikon D400 | 27 Comments