Category Archives: Nikon D3s

Nikon Netherlands: “informational evening” on October 14th

Ok, this is the last one, I promise: Nikon Netherlands has invited Dutch NPS members for an “informational evening” on October 14th, 2009 in Hooglanderveen. Nikon is picking up the tab (food and drinks, I guess).

Posted in Nikon D3s | 28 Comments

Nikon “press breakfast” in Sweden on October 14th

After Denmark, now Nikon Sweden will hold a “press breakfast” on October 14th, 2009 according to the website fotosidan.

Posted in Nikon D3s | 6 Comments

Nikon press conference in Denmark on October 14th

The Danish magazine Zoom just reported that Nikon’s press conference in Denmark will be held on October 14th, 2009. This means that we may see the goodies on the US website as early as Tuesday (October 13th) at midnight.

Posted in Nikon D3s | 48 Comments

Nikon France website is down

Nikon France website is currently down and has been down for a while. Updates for next week maybe? If you have followed NR in the past you probably know that there is a certain pattern before an official announcement and bringing the website down for maintenance is part of it (it is beyond me why they cannot do this without […]

Posted in Nikon D3s | 40 Comments

Nikon D3: Gone Baby Gone!

Adorama: out of stock / backordered B&H: out of stock / backordered and this situation has been going on for a while. Amazon has one left in stock through a third party Grays of Westminster just sent out this email about a special offer on Nikon D3 and the first words are: “While stocks last, […]

Posted in Nikon D3s | Tagged | 76 Comments

Nikon UK on the D3s rumors: “No comments”

Link to the AmateurPhotographer article. I guess this is the standard answer from any company, but at least they did not deny it.

Posted in Nikon D3s | 26 Comments

Nikon shooting a new commercial in LA

UPDATE#2: it seems that they are shooting a commercial for the Nikon Coolpix S70. UPDATE: I got some unconfirmed reports that the shooting is still going on today (Wednesday) and Ashton Kutcher is part of this commercial. A reader just sent me this: it seems that Smuggler Inc. was shooting/is still shooting a new commercial for […]

Posted in Nikon D3s | 37 Comments