Monthly Archives: November 2011

Weekly Nikon news flash #137

Here are the weekly links if somebody cares: Nikon prices are raising in Japan (source: PEN weekly): “According to Inc., which operates an online price-comparison site, Nikon’s D3100 DSLR camera/double zoom kit is currently sold at around 55,100 yen (US$706), or 19% higher than in mid-October. And the price of D5100 model has risen 15% since early October to 83,800 yen […]

Posted in Weekly Nikon News Flash | Tagged | 18 Comments

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Nikon D800

Those are the first pictures of the upcoming Nikon D800 DSLR camera. The specs so far are exactly the same as reported previously (there are some new updates in this list): Smaller and lighter than D700 Resolution: 7360×4912 (36MP) CF+SD memory card slots Slightly larger display Excellent video quality, better than D3s Video modes: 1080p/30/25/24 and 720p/60/30/25/24 […]

Posted in Nikon D800 | 1,114 Comments

Breaking: I have pictures of the Nikon D800

I am still working on the details, please stay tuned. I also have some samples taken with the Nikon D800… and yes, it is 36MP – here is some of the EXIF data: The specs are exactly the same as I reported them 2 months ago.

Posted in Nikon D800 | 172 Comments

Nikon firmware decrypted

Nikon firmware has been decrypted by Simeon Pilgrim (with the help of  Vitaliy Kiselev – the person who hacked the Panasonic GH2 firmware). The decryption worked on D5100 and D7000 and is currently being tested on higher end models. The decryption itself doesn’t mean much at that point, but it may offer some neat “adjustments” in the future.

Posted in Nikon D5100, Nikon D7000, Nikon Software | Tagged | 115 Comments

Nikon 1 price drop for Black Friday next week

If you are planning to buy a Nikon 1 camera, you may want to wait till next week for some savings of up to $150. Those will be the Nikon Black Friday offers from Ritz Camera: I am not aware of any discounts on Nikon DSLR cameras or lenses for Black Friday – here are […]

Posted in Deals, Nikon 1 | 39 Comments

Nikon Capture NX 2.3 coming soon with 64-bit compatibility

New version 2.3 of Capture NX ($129.95) is ready to be released and it will have 64-bit support. I believe this version will add support also for new, unreleased Nikon camera(s), which explains why it is not available yet. The latest Capture NX version is 2.2.8. Do no expect Capture NX3 to be released any time soon. […]

Posted in Nikon Software | Tagged | 51 Comments

Easy bounce pop-up flash diffuser for Nikon DSLR

This easy bounce pop-up flash diffuser for Nikon DSLR cameras is available on eBay for $29.95:

Posted in Nikon Flashes | 58 Comments