Imaging Resource published a new interview with a group of top Nikon executives and engineering managers. Here are the main points:
Imaging Resource published a new interview with a group of top Nikon executives and engineering managers. Here are the main points:
During the a6400 press event a few weeks ago, Sony had several slides showing the advantages of their mirrorless E-mount. Some of the slides were directly targeted at Leica since Stephan Schulz from Leica Camera AG claimed that the Sony E-mount was not designed for full-frame mirrorless cameras (there are several other articles online making the same claim). […]
Black Friday is almost over and we can now get back to our regular coverage. The French website Mizuwari published their interview with Nicolas Gillet from Nikon France from the 2018 Photo Show. There is nothing really new to report here – the same topics have been discussed over and over during the past few months in other numerous interviews, […]
Digitalkamera.de updated their initial interview with Nikon on the Z mirrorless cameras (see all previous Z interviews).