Tag Archives: Nikon SnapBridge

New firmware updates for the Nikon D3400 and D5600 cameras released

Nikon released new firmware updates for the Nikon D3400 and D5600 cameras related to the latest version of SnapBridge (I mentioned this over the weekend): Fixed an issue that resulted in unreliable connections between the camera and the iOS 10.2 version of the SnapBridge app. Here are the download links:

Posted in Nikon D3400, Nikon D5600 | Also tagged | 7 Comments

Nikon SnapBridge 360/170 app is not compatible with iOS 10.2

Nikon Japan issued a warning for the latest version of the SnapBridge 360/170 app about potential incompatibility with the latest iOS 10.2. The previous iOS version 10.1 is till working fine, so if you need to use the app, do not upgrade to 10.2 until the issues are fixed.

Posted in Nikon KeyMission, Nikon Software | Tagged | 124 Comments

Nikon released seven software updates

   Nikon released new versions of Capture NX-D, ViewNX-i, Picture Control Utility 2, Camera Control Pro 2, NEF Codec and Snapbridge:

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Using Nikon Wireless Utility with the Nikon D500 on iOS to download NEFs to iOS

This article “Using Nikon Wireless Utility with the Nikon D500 on iOS to download NEFs to iOS” is by Spencer Harbar: As most Nikon D500 users are aware, one of the “features” of the camera is “SnapBridge”, Nikon’s attempt to do something useful with wireless and smartphone connectivity. The iOS app is pretty awful. The […]

Posted in Nikon D500 | Also tagged , | 21 Comments

Transferring Nikon D500 full size images with SnapBridge is very slow

This may not be a surprise to many of the regular [NR] readers, but transferring Nikon D500 full size images with SnapBridge is very slow. Few weeks ago the German website heise.de published a follow-up on the Nikon D500 WiFi false advertising allegation in Germany. Here is the email I got from Andreas V. who originated the complain few months […]

Posted in Nikon D500 | Tagged | 206 Comments

Nikon SnapBridge version 1.0.1 released for iOS

Nikon released SnapBridge version 1.0.1 with improved reliability of the connection to the camera and other bug fixes. You can download it here. Right now SnapBridge supports only the D500 and D3400 cameras. Support for the Coolpix A300, B500 and W100 is expected to be released in late September (October for the W100).

Posted in Nikon Software | Tagged | 34 Comments

Nikon finally released SnapBridge for iOS

As previously reported, Nikon released the iOS version of SnapBridge that is now available for downloaded on iTunes. SnapBridge is compatible with the following cameras (the latest Coolpix models will still need a firmware update):

Posted in Nikon D3400, Nikon D5 | Also tagged , | 89 Comments