Tag Archives: Nikon interviews

Nikon 1 is still alive, larger sensor mirrorless solution is being considered

In addition to what I already reported in my post yesterday, there are now two more interviews published online where Nikon clearly say that their Nikon 1 product line is still alive and a large sensor mirrorless solution is being considered:

Posted in Nikon 1 | Also tagged , , , | 229 Comments

New interview with Nikon representative on various Nikkor lens topics

Fotosidan published an interesting interview with Zurab Kiknadze, product manager for Nikkor lenses in Europe where he talks about the possibilities of a Nikkor 50mm f/1.0, future PF lenses and the limitations of the F-mount. I cannot embed the video, you have to visit this page in order to watch it.

Posted in Nikon Lenses | Tagged | 81 Comments

Nikon cannot give a straight answer on their DX strategy

Maybe is the translation or maybe is just me, but I cannot make any sense from the answers Nikon representatives gave to dpreview during an interview at the CP+ show that just got published online today – see for yourself:

Posted in Nikon D400 | Tagged | 278 Comments