Here is the recap of a recent interview with Takuhide Tsuj (Nikon Executive Marketing Director):
In a recent interview, Hirotaka Ikegami (Nikon Managing Executive Officer, head of Nikon Imaging Business) said that “for the time being, we will concentrate on mirrorless cameras.” Nikon already sees some recovery starting in China. The interview does not offer any other interesting information worth reporting here – it’s just a reteriation of Nikon’s financial results […]
Dpreview posted another vanilla interview with Nikon executives and to be honest I had a hard time finding anything interesting to report (not to blame Dpreview, they did ask several interesting questions). Here are a few quotes:
Phototrend published a new interview with Nikon – here are the highlights: Nikon will continue to promote both F-mount and Z-mount systems. DSLRs still have the upper hand over hybrid cameras in sports and press photography. Nikon plans to expand our entire Z-mount system, including the lens range. Nikon will meet the needs of hybrid photographers […]