Tag Archives: CIPA

DSLR vs. mirrorless cameras produced in the past four years (based on CIPA data)

As a part of the discussion in my last post I went to CIPA’s website and got the numbers of units produced for DSLR and mirrorless cameras in the past four years and plugged them into a graph (blue: DSLR, green: mirrorless, click for larger view): There are many different conclusions you can make out of this […]

Posted in Other Nikon stuff | Tagged | 367 Comments

Spike in DSLR camera shipments in April

Last week Sony published an entire press release describing how successful their mirrorless offering is. There is no doubt that Sony has done a lot in a short period of time, but this is mainly because (I think) they remained unchallenged by the major players (Nikon and Canon). CIPA published their data for April and […]

Posted in Other Nikon stuff | Tagged | 163 Comments

Nikon publishes lens VR performance results according to the new CIPA standard

A while back CIPA introduced a new standard for image stabilization that will make it easier to compare the IS/VR effectiveness between different lenses/cameras and manufacturers. Today Nikon published a new Nikkor lens VR performance table according to the new CIPA standards:

Posted in Nikon Lenses | Also tagged | 93 Comments