Breaking: Nikon D9300 DSLR camera on the horizon

A very significant news for everyone that is waiting for D300s replacement: Nikon is preparing to launch a new D9300 camera. This is all I got for now – just a model name. The body will most likely be DX and will obviously be placed above the D7xxx line (Nikon has probably decided to keep the Dxxx line for full frame cameras and Dxxxx for DX bodies). Why D9300 and not just D9000? I guess to match the version of the D3300 and D5300. This could well be the D400 many readers have been waiting for a long time. This is the first time I have heard something reliable on a high-end DX body.

Posted in Nikon D400 | 773 Comments

New Nikon D4s videos

The making of “Dedicated” by Corey Rich (the “Dedicated” trailer was shot entirely with the new D4s camera):

Director, photographer and Nikon Ambassador Corey Rich was presented with a great, though certainly not simple and straightforward opportunity: Create a short film, and a behind-the-scenes film, about three prolific photographers using the new Nikon D4s in seven locations spanning from San Diego to Snowbird, Utah, to Tampa to the coast of Ireland. The catch? He had only 21 days to do it, and would be using all prototype equipment.

As a long recognized outdoor and adventure photographer and filmmaker, Rich has relied on “small footprint productions” methods, tactics and equipment to be light and fast and capture still and moving pictures from some of the most remote spots on earth. A longtime proponent of small footprint productions, Rich employed this approach to make DEDICATED.

“The Making of DEDICATED” shows the behind-the-scenes story of a light-and-fast, small-footprint-production team traveling together halfway around the world over 21 days, pushing themselves to the brink as storytellers, and finding an inspired camaraderie around the shared love of photography.

Taking Aim – a story told with the Nikon D4s:

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Posted in Nikon D4s | 27 Comments

Correction: the new 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 will be a DX lens

Correction on my last post – the upcoming new 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 will be a DX lens, probably a smaller, lighter and cheaper replacement (550 g/20 oz) for the current Nikkor 18-300mm f/3.5-5.6G DX model (830 g/29 oz).

Posted in Nikon Lenses | Tagged | 102 Comments

A new 18-300mm mirrorless lens to be announced with the Nikon 1 J4 camera

Few more new bits of information on the upcoming Nikon 1 J4 mirrorless camera: it will feature LCD touch screen and flash sync speed of 1/60s. A new lightweight (550 g/20 oz) all-plastic 18-300mm lens (with f/6.3 at 300mm) will also be announced.

Correction: the new 18-300mm will be a DX lens.

Posted in Nikon 1, Nikon Lenses | Tagged , | 46 Comments

Top 10 NikonRumors posts for March 2014

Nikon_D800_camera_drawingNikon D4sNikon_D800_2
Nikon 35mm f-1.8G full frame lens1Nikon-D4s-DxOMark-test-2Nikon-D610-spot-free
Nikon AF-S 135mm f:2G lensNikon 1 V3 camera5Best-performing-24mm-lenses-for-the-Nikon-D800-camera
It’s not worth publishing anything else on April 1st – check again NikonRumors tomorrow for some interesting rumors. These are the top 10 most visited posts for March 2014:

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Posted in Top 10 Posts | 11 Comments

Grey market Nikon D800 cameras now sale for $2,100

The price of the grey market Nikon D800 camera dropped to $2,099.99 on eBay. Note that grey market Nikon equipment does not have US warranty and Nikon USA will not repair it.

Posted in Deals, Nikon D800 | 92 Comments

Is this Nikon AF-S 135mm f/2G lens real?

A reader sent me this picture of a new Nikon AF-S 135mm f/2G lens:

Nikon AF-S 135mm f:2G lens
What do you think, real or fake?

Update: Nikon has already filed a patent for a 135mm f/1.8 lens.

Posted in Nikon Lenses | Tagged | 231 Comments