Another full frame Nikon DSLR camera coming for Photokina

The latest rumors I am receiving point to another full frame camera announcement for Photokina. We are talking about a new DSLR positioned somewhere between the D610 and the D810 models. Here are the expected specifications:

  • 24MP full frame sensor
  • Tilting LCD screen
  • Wi-Fi support
  • Expeed 4 imaging processor
  • Very light body (probably similar to the D610 and Df, maybe even lighter)
  • Priced around $2,500 (the current Nikon FX camera price points are – D610: $1,896.95, Df: $2,746.95, D810: $3,296.95, D4s: $6,496.95)
  • Potential announcement at the end of August or early September
  • No idea on the model name – it could be D620, D750 or something completely different
  • The probability rating on this rumor is currently at 70% – I am pretty confident that this camera is coming, I am just not sure about the detailed specifications (if you have any more details, you can contact me anonymously here)

I have hard time understanding what Nikon is trying to achieve with this model – the Nikon Df is already positioned between the D610 and D810. My only explanation is the D3300/D5300 configuration, but with a full frame sensor: D610 with a fixed LCD screen and the new camera with few more features and a tilting LCD screen.

Many Nikon fans have been waiting for a “real” D700 replacement since 2008. Even after the D800, D810, D600, D610 and Df cameras were announced, they were not considered by many as a true D700 replacement (I personally think that Nikon has provided enough upgrade options for D700 owners). Maybe this new Nikon DSLR will finally be the “real” D700 replacement?

How about a new Nikon DX DSLR camera? So far it doesn’t look like we will be getting one soon, but there is still hope:

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Posted in Nikon D400, Nikon D7200, Nikon D750 | Tagged | 704 Comments

The new Nikon AF-S TC-14E III teleconverter and Nikkor AF-S 400mm f/2.8E FL ED VR lens will start shipping on August 28th

B&H has now updated their Nikon AF-S TC-14E III teleconverter and Nikkor AF-S 400mm f/2.8E FL ED VR lens listings – both new products will start shipping on August 28th, 2014:

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Posted in Nikon Lenses | Tagged , | 66 Comments

Nikon D600 class action lawsuit settlement reached: D600 owners can get a new D610 camera

I just saw this on – it seems that Nikon has reached a settlement on the D600 class action lawsuit and people participating in the lawsuit have received this email with instructions on how to get a new D610 camera ($1,896.95):

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Posted in Nikon D600, Nikon D610 | Tagged | 149 Comments

No, Nikon is not coming up with a medium format camera

After numerous emails in the past few days, I have to make a blog post on that topic in order to answer all questions: I don’t think Nikon will be announcing a new medium format camera at Photokina. I have said many times in the past that I will not report every rumor I see on the Web. I have not received any information about a medium format Nikon camera and I doubt somebody got it before me. I also do not see how Nikon can support another system in those difficult times. The Nikon MX medium format camera rumors are nothing new really and have been circulating since 2008 (see rumored design pictures above).

Posted in Other Nikon stuff | Tagged | 104 Comments

New price drop: refurbished Nikon D800 cameras for $1,999.99

Refurbished Nikon D800 DSLRs are currently listed for $1,999.99 on eBay (a new low price). I think those are brand new cameras that are being dumbed by Nikon after the D810 was announced – they are listing them as refurbished to justify the price drop and reduce the warranty. Here are few other interesting eBay listings:

See all Nikon listings by BuyDig on eBay. Check also the new eBay Camera Coupon Center.

Posted in Deals, Nikon D800 | Tagged | 27 Comments

Weekly Nikon news flash #274

→ Adorama has a pretty good new Nikon D810 kit savings offer – for $33 more than a regular D810 body, you will be getting those accessories:

  • Lexar Pro 32GB class 10 SDHC memory card ($23.95)
  • Spare Nikon EN-EL15 battery ($46.99)
  • Bogen tripod ($59.88)
  • Flashpoint wireless radio remote shutter trigger (not sure which model they will include in this bundle)

→ The new Tokina AT-X 70-200mm f/4 PRO FX VCM-S lens for Nikon mount is now in stock.

→ Nikon 1 J4 mirrorless camera is now in stock.

Nikon announced the judges for the Nikon Photo Contest 2014-2015.

→ How to replace the bayonet mount on a Nikkor 18-105mm lens (video):

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Posted in Weekly Nikon News Flash | 27 Comments

Hawaiian infrared time-lapse of haunting Mamane trees made with IR-converted Nikon D5200 camera

In this guest posts Gary Yost ( will share his experience shooting infrared time-lapse of the Hawaiian Mamane trees with a 650nm Lifepixel IR-converted Nikon D5200 camera:

What really turns me on in photography and filmmaking is finding ways to visualize the mysteries of the natural world.  In the summer of 2013 I came across a stand of beautifully gnarled dead trees on the Big Island of Hawaii and they evoked in me feelings of similarity to the beautiful ancient Bristlecone Pines in the White Mountains.  Kohala mountain, which is the site of the these amazingly-shaped Hawaiian tree bones, also has some of the craziest cloud patterns in the world because of the way this dormant volcano pushes the tropical moisture around the northern part of the Big Island.

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