The latest rumors I am receiving point to another full frame camera announcement for Photokina. We are talking about a new DSLR positioned somewhere between the D610 and the D810 models. Here are the expected specifications:
- 24MP full frame sensor
- Tilting LCD screen
- Wi-Fi support
- Expeed 4 imaging processor
- Very light body (probably similar to the D610 and Df, maybe even lighter)
- Priced around $2,500 (the current Nikon FX camera price points are – D610: $1,896.95, Df: $2,746.95, D810: $3,296.95, D4s: $6,496.95)
- Potential announcement at the end of August or early September
- No idea on the model name – it could be D620, D750 or something completely different
- The probability rating on this rumor is currently at 70% – I am pretty confident that this camera is coming, I am just not sure about the detailed specifications (if you have any more details, you can contact me anonymously here)
I have hard time understanding what Nikon is trying to achieve with this model – the Nikon Df is already positioned between the D610 and D810. My only explanation is the D3300/D5300 configuration, but with a full frame sensor: D610 with a fixed LCD screen and the new camera with few more features and a tilting LCD screen.
Many Nikon fans have been waiting for a “real” D700 replacement since 2008. Even after the D800, D810, D600, D610 and Df cameras were announced, they were not considered by many as a true D700 replacement (I personally think that Nikon has provided enough upgrade options for D700 owners). Maybe this new Nikon DSLR will finally be the “real” D700 replacement?
How about a new Nikon DX DSLR camera? So far it doesn’t look like we will be getting one soon, but there is still hope: