“The White Horses of the Camargue” by Tony Bonanno ( website | Facebook):
I’ve photographed horses for many years, both for my own fine art portfolio and for clients. I’ve photographed quarter horses on western ranches, grand prix jumpers, rodeo horses, and wild roaming Spanish Mustangs. Equine photography has been one of my specialties.
The White Horses of the Camargue in France? To be honest, I had never heard of them. It all began in 2014. I was leading a photo program in Cuba and one of the participants was photojournalist Jodie Willard from Santa Barbara, California. Jodie was an experienced equine photographer and she invited me to co-lead a photo workshop with her in the Camargue in the Spring of 2015. She described the beautiful White Horses and the “Gardian” culture (the “keepers” of the horses). Jodie and I did four workshops together. That is how my love affair with the Camargue started. I’ve been doing a workshop every Spring in the Camargue, but the Covid19 pandemic resulted in the 2020 workshop being tentatively rescheduled to early October, 2020.