The mockup I posted yesterday was “almost” correct – here are the first leaked pictures of the RED V-RAPTOR [X] ($29,995) and Komodo [X] ($6,995) digital cinema cameras with Nikon Z mount:
I was told that the upcoming RED V-RAPTOR [X] video camera with Nikon Z-mount will have a gold Z-mount to match the new Nikkor Z cinema lenses – here is a mockup (not an actual picture):
Here is an updated list of “What to expect next from Nikon“:
The rest are not “confirmed rumors” from good sources – just what I have been hearing through the grapevine (take it with a grain of salt):
What to expect at the 2025 CP+ show? (an updated list of upcoming/rumored cameras and lenses)
As previously reported (see this and this post), the Nikon Nikkor Z 28-135mm f/4 PZ zoom lens will be officially released in the next 24 hours (probably around midnight EDT). The lens is expected to cost around $2,000 (B&H listing).
I do not have a confirmation for the RED V-RAPTOR [X] camera with Z-mount or the new Nikkor cinema lenses. Stay tuned for updates.
It seems that we already have the first “RED ZED” teaser for the already leaked RED V-RAPTOR [X] camera with Nikon Z-mount:
Today RED sent out an email (by mistake, I assume) offering users to upgrade to one of the following cameras:
As you probably already noticed, the first three cameras are listed as RED V-RAPTOR [X] for Nikon Z-mount. RED currently does not have any cameras with Z-mount.
The RED V-RAPTOR [X] is priced at $30k (pictured above). Additional informtion is available here:
RED is showcasing the all-new V-RAPTOR [X] and V-RAPTOR XL [X] cameras at the 2024 NAB show
A new Nikon Z-mount video camera has been rumored for a while and was described to me as “brick-shaped, without pentaprism, similar to current RED models” (see this post).
RED recently added Nikon RAW (N-RAW) support to RedCine-X Pro.
Maybe Nikon will make the announcement together with the Nikon Nikkor Z 28-135mm f/4 PZ zoom lens and the new line of Nikkor cinema lenses? Stay tuned!
Update – we may have the first “RED ZED” teaser already:
The Nikon Nikkor Z 28-135mm f/4 PZ zoom lens is expected to be officially announced very soon – possibly this week (as previously reported) or in the next 2-3 weeks before the upcoming 2025 CP+ show in Japan (February 27th – March 2nd).
Nikom is also rumored to announce a new line of Nikkor cinema lenses: