Category Archives: Weird

A reader bought a refurbished Nikon 13mm f/5.6 NIKKOR AI-S lens with a 90 day warranty!

A reader found a refurbished Nikon 13mm f/5.6 NIKKOR AI-S lens in a great, “like new” shape, at B&H last week and purchased it for $8,499 (the lens came with a 90 day US warranty). This was a pretty good deal considering previous listings of this lens. Here are the unboxing pictures:

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Here is a video of a Nikon D60 DSLR camera being microwaved

This is what happens when you microwave a Nikon D60 DSLR camera with an 18-135mm lens attached:

Posted in Weird | 79 Comments

New Ihagee Elbaflex film SLR with Nikon F-mount coming to Kickstarter next week

A new Ihagee Elbaflex film SLR with Nikon F-mount will be launched next week on Kickstarter. Ihagee is an old German brand and somebody is trying to bring it back to life on Kickstarter (just like the recent Yashica, Oprema Jena, Meyer Optik, Emil Busch crowdfunding projects). Here are the details: Update: additional information on this Kickstarter project can […]

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New Kickstarter project promises digital back for Nikon 35mm film cameras

There is a new project on Kickstarter that promises a low cost digital back for 35mm analog cameras:

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The Nikon D850 makes a nice doorstop

The Nikon D850 makes a nice doorstop 🙂 For the full story behind this cameras, please see this post: The story behind the Nikon D850 doorstop (or how I destroyed a D850 camera in Alaska) Pictures via Stavangerfoto

Also posted in Nikon D850 | 52 Comments

Nikon KeyMission 360 camera continues to record while being chewed by a tiger (video)

To start your Friday, here is a video of a tiger chewing a Nikon KeyMission 360 camera ($496.95) recorded by RSE Photography (Facebook | Instagram| Twitter): “After capturing some great images of the Sumatran tigers, we decided to try and get some 360 footage of the big cats eating their food. We put the Nikon KM360 […]

Also posted in Nikon KeyMission | 20 Comments

This Nikon collection can be yours for $53k

The pictured above Nikon collections is currently listed for sale on eBay for $53k. The collection includes several new and unopened items. Recently there was another Nikon collection listed for sale for a similar price. Additional pictures:

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