Category Archives: Nikon D7100

Nikon D7100

New Nikon DSLR SKUs added in the inventory system of a major retail store

I received a tip that a major retail store (I was asked not to mention the store name and the country) has added new SKUs in their internal system for a Nikon DSLR camera without listing the model or any other details. This is a common practice for retail stores to get their inventory system […]

Posted in Nikon D7100 | 40 Comments

Nikon’s announcement next week could also be for a new high-end Coolpix camera

After talking to several sources, nobody could confirm the announcement of the D7000 replacement next week. The lack of leaked images and detailed specifications also makes me think that either Nikon has gone completely underground with the new camera, or the D7100 will just not happen next week.

Also posted in Nikon Point and Shoot | Tagged | 95 Comments

Confirmed: Nikon press conference next week, very good chance of D7100 announcement

I can now confirm that Nikon has scheduled press events in several different countries for next week, which is an indications for a major new product introduction. The exact announcement date for the US could be as early as Tuesday night (February 19th) but most likely everything will happen on Wednesday night.

Posted in Nikon D7100 | 132 Comments

Nikon Thailand sends invitations for a press event on February 21

Nikon Thailand sent invitations for a press event on February 21, 2013. I do not expect any new products to be announced in February – this press conference could be for something else. In addition, Thursday is a rather unusual day for Nikon to introduce new products. Of course this press conference could be for […]

Posted in Nikon D7100 | Tagged | 35 Comments

Nikon D7000 replacement before April, more Coolpix cameras including a P310 replacement

I received some new information from a good source: The Nikon D7000 replacement should be announced before April, 2013 with a 24MP sensor, 100-6400 ISO range and a form factor similar to the D600, but in a smaller body. Nikon will announce more new Coolpix cameras, including a P310 replacement that will add RAW files and […]

Also posted in Nikon Point and Shoot | 227 Comments

Nikon D7000 listed as discontinued in Australian retailer

The retailer Bing Lee, who has a significant presence in Australia, lists the Nikon D7000 as “discontinued and no longer available for sale” on their website. I expect more stores to start marking the D7000 as discontinued in the upcoming weeks/months as we get closer to its replacement. The D7000 is currently on sale with a $300 instant […]

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The remaining 2013 Nikon predictions from Impress magazine

Two weeks ago the Japanese magazine Impress published a PDF file with a preview of their Nikon predictions for 2013. The January issue of the magazine is now out and here are the remaining details:

Also posted in Nikon D400, Nikon D7200 | Tagged | 94 Comments