Nikon D6 ($6,497) vs. Nikon D5 ($5,497) specifications comparison:
Here are a few examples of how much cash you can get for your used Nikon gear at Adorama (use this page to submit your request): Nikon D850: up to $1500 Nikon D5: up to $2400 Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 FL lens: up to $1200 Please note that the exact value will depend on the condition of […]
The previously reported Delkin CFexpress memory cards are already here – four different sizes are available: Delkin 128GB CFexpress memory card Delkin 256GB CFexpress memory card Delkin 512GB CFexpress memory card Delkin 1TB CFexpress memory card Price comparison – the new Delkin CFexpress memory cards are the cheapest solution so far ($5-$10 cheaper than ProGrade):
Here is the answer from Nikon support to a question about the CFexpress memory cards firmware update for the Nikon D500 camera: In regard to CFexpress support being released for the D500. We know that yes this will be a firmware update, but we can not release any information in regard to this due to […]
As previously reported, the Nikon D5 DSLR camera is now $1,000 off (the new price is $5,496.95) at Adorama, B&H and Amazon. There is also a new price drop on the Nikon D3500 DSLR camera: see this and this listing. Also: the refurbished Nikon Coolpix P900 camera is now $439 ($160 off).
Many of the current Nikon rebates are set to expire this weekend and some new offers will be introduced: the price of the Nikon D5 will drop by another $500 (the new price will be $5,496.95). You can see the new pricing at Adorama, B&H and Amazon this Sunday at 12:01 am EST. Nikon already […]