Tag Archives: Tokina

Tokina ATX-i 100mm f/2.8 FF macro lens for Nikon F-mount officially announced

The previously rumored Tokina ATX-i 100mm f/2.8 FF macro lens for Nikon F-mount is now officially announced. The US price is $429. Pre-orders are now open at Adorama and B&H. Tokina ATX-i 100mm f/2.8 FF macro lens additional information:

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New Tokina ATX-i 100mm f/2.8 FF Macro lens for Nikon F-mount to be announced soon

Tokina will soon announce a new ATX-i 100mm f/2.8 FF Macro lens for Nikon F-mount (and Canon EF). The new version will replace the current Tokina 100mm f/2.8 AT-X M100 AF Pro D Macro lens (pictured above) and will have the new Opera design (see the new Tokina Opera 16-28mm f/2.8 FF and Tokina Opera 50mm […]

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Tokina ATX-i 11-16mm f/2.8 CF lens for Nikon F-mount officially announced

The previously rumored Tokina ATX-i 11-16mm f/2.8 CF APS-C DSLR lens for Nikon F-mount is now officially announced. Shipping will start on November 8. For US pricing, check Adorama, B&H and Amazon (not available at the time of this post). Update: pre-orders are now open at B&H Photo. MTF charts, lens design, technical specifications and sample […]

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New Tokina ATX-i 11-16mm f/2.8 CF lens for Nikon F-mount to be announced this week

Tokina is rumored to announce a new ATX-i 11-16mm f/2.8 CF ultra-wide-angle zoom lens for APS-C cameras (DX) this week (replacement for the current 11-16mm f/2.8 model). Shipping is expected to start on November 8. The lens will be available for both Nikon and Canon mounts. The suggested retail price is 56,000 yen + tax (around […]

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Tokina Opera 16-28mm f/2.8 lens review

Tokina Opera 16-28mm f/2.8 Review This Tokina Opera 16-28mm f/2.8 ($699 at Adorama, B&H and Amazon) lens review is by Christophe Anagnostopoulos, Global Ambassador of Tokina & Hoya, (Website | Vimeo | Facebook | IMDB): *Please note that at the time of writing this review, Adobe hasn’t released a lens profile for Tokina Opera 16-28mm F/2.8* […]

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Tokina Opera 16-28mm f/2.8 FF lens announced

The Tokina Opera 16-28mm f/2.8 FF full-frame DSLR lens for Nikon F-mount is now officially announced (see the first hands-on report). The US price is $699 and pre-orders are now open at B&H and Adorama. Shipping will start on March 15th, 2019. Additional information (technical specifications, lens design, MTF charts and more):

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New Tokina Opera 16-28mm f/2.8 FF full-frame DSLR lens to be announced on February 22nd

Tokina will announce a new Opera 16-28mm f/2.8 FF full-frame DSLR lens on February 22nd. This lens was first displayed at the 2018 Photokina show. Stay tuned for updates. Update – some additional info from a Japanese store listing (Google translation):

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