Tag Archives: Nikon financial results

Nikon: “rapid deterioration in the market occurred”

Nikon published their Q&A for the third quarter of the Imaging Company which they describe as “rapid deterioration in the market” and “fiercer market competition“: Q: What can you tell us about the revision of the financial forecast in the imaging products business? A: While we increased production and inventory of digital SLR cameras as one […]

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Nikon cuts their annual profit forecast

Today Nikon released their third quarter financial results and financial estimation for the year ending March 31, 2013. Here is the recap from Bloomberg: Camera price declines prompted a cut in Nikon’s annual profit forecast. Junichi Itoh, Nikon’s CFO said this: “Tough competition for entry-level single-lens-reflex models has led to a large price decline since […]

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Nikon’s financial results for the first half of the year are out

Today Nikon released their financial results for the first half of the year ending on September 30, 2012. Here are the details for the Imaging Company: Net sales: 381 billion yen (up 56.5 billion yen from same period previous year) Operating income: 41.8 billion yen (down 5.6 billion yen from same period previous year) Nikon sold a total of: 3,450,000 […]

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Nikon Q1 financial results: net profit fell by almost 50%

Nikon announced their financial results for the first quarter of the year (ending March 2013). Here is the recap from Marketwatch: Net profit fell 48.6% to 15.77 billion yen in this quarter Sales increased 5.6% to 259.43 billion yen Operating profit is down 36.7% to 23.37 billion yen Nikon lowered  its earnings forecasts by 5 million yen for […]

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Nikon reported better than expected financial results for 2012

Nikon announced their financial results and new cash dividends for the year ending on March 31, 2012. The company again reported better than expected financial numbers even after the series of disasters in Asia last year. As a result, the stock price went up over 8%. Nikon remains a profitable company in times where almost every other major […]

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Nikon is expected to announce 39% higher operation profit compared to last fiscal year

Just saw this article on Reuters: “Nikon Corp. will likely post a 39 percent rise in group operating profit to around 75 billion yen ($904.81 million) for the year ending this month, beating the standing projection of 72 billion yen…

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“Extraordinary losses” as a result of the flooding in Thailand

Nikon posted a notice describing the losses due to the flooding in Thailand as “extraordinary”: ¥10,904 million (around $143 million). Nikon received an insurance payment of ¥500 million (around $6.5 million). Additional insurance payment is pending.  As a results of the losses, Nikon changed their forecast of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2012 as follow:

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