Tag Archives: Nikon discontinued Nikkor F-mount DSLR lenses

Nikon DX cameras and lenses are slowly disappearing

Many Nikon DX DSLR cameras and lenses are out of stock in the US: Most Nikon D3500 camera combinations are out of stock at Adorama and B&H The same is the situation with the  Nikon D5600: Adorama | B&H Even the D7500 is not available in many configurations: Adorama | B&H The Nikon D500 has been out of stock for months: […]

Posted in Nikon D3500, Nikon D5600, Nikon D7500 | Also tagged , | 290 Comments

Sad news: the legendary Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200mm f/2G ED VR II lens is now discontinued

The legendary Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200mm f/2G ED VR II lens is now marked as discontinued on the official Nikon Japan website: The Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200mm f/2G ED VR II lens is currently in stock in the US at Adorama, B&H, and Amazon and sells for $5,696.95. A refurbished version is available for $4,395. The lens was […]

Posted in Nikon Lenses | Also tagged , , | 135 Comments

Nikon Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED VR II lens listed as discontinued

The Nikon Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED VR II lens is now listed as discontinued at B&H Photo and it is not available for sale at Adorama and Amazon: Adorama is selling a refurbished 200-400mm f/4G VR II lens for $5,495 ($1,501.95 or 21% off). The 200-400mm f/4G VR II lens was announced in April 2010 and in January 2018 was […]

Posted in Nikon Lenses | Also tagged , | 31 Comments