Nikon released Capture NX 2.4.5 and ViewNX 2.8.2 versions with support for the new Nikon D5300 and Df DSLR cameras.
Today Nikon announced ViewNX 2.7.5 and Capture NX 2.4.2. The only modification in the new versions is related to the Nikon D600: When RAW images captured with a D600 running C firmware Ver. 1.01 at an Image area setting of DX (24×16) 1.5× and any Active D-Lighting setting other than Off were opened in ViewNX 2 […]
When Goole acquired Nik Software, they did not purchase the Capture NX software and have no intentions of supporting it. This information was provided to a reader who contacted the Nik software division of Google. Capture NX ($135) was initially developed by Nik Software after Nikon invested in the company back in 2006. It remains to be seen […]
Today Nikon released new software and firmware updates for several different products. The main change has been adding support for the Nikon D7100 camera. Here are the full details with download links: