How to back up your Nikon camera settings by Steve Perry (backcountrygallery.com):
Here is an unconfirmed way to determine if a Nikon camera or a lens has been originally sold as refurbished – if refurbished, there should be two pinprick marks on both sides of the serial number:
This post is by Steve Perry (www.backcountrygallery.com): The 7 Best Tricks For Nikon Cameras – Ever! OK, I’ll concede that maybe I’m just a bit over the top with the title for this one, but hey, I really love these tricks! You see, over the years, I have uncovered quite a few handy customizations for […]
This article “Using Nikon Wireless Utility with the Nikon D500 on iOS to download NEFs to iOS” is by Spencer Harbar: As most Nikon D500 users are aware, one of the “features” of the camera is “SnapBridge”, Nikon’s attempt to do something useful with wireless and smartphone connectivity. The iOS app is pretty awful. The […]