Category Archives: Nikon D4

Nikon D4 firmware update 1.10 released

Nikon just released the previously rumored D4 firmware update A:1.10 / B:1.10 which includes two memory card fixes and AF-ON + Fn button modifications. You can download the new version at Nikon USA or Nikon EU support sites. Detailed list of updates included in this firmware update:

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[NR] exclusive: Nikon D4s high ISO/low light comparison with D4, D3s, D800E and D600 cameras

Terry Hansen did a very extensive and detailed high ISO/low light comparisons between the Nikon D4s (including RAW and small RAW files) and the D4, D3s, D600, D800E cameras. In this post I have included only the samples from ISO 6,400 and above, since this is the range where most readers will be interested to see the […]

Also posted in Nikon D3s, Nikon D4s, Nikon D600, Nikon D800, [NR] Reviews | Tagged | 221 Comments

Nikon D4 vs. D4s high ISO comparison

Update: here is a much more detailed hight ISO comparison between several full frame Nikon cameras. A reader did some quick high ISO comparisons between the Nikon D4 and D4s cameras and sent me few screenshots (available also on flickr). I have another comparison coming in the next few days. I have long benefited from and […]

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Nikon Wireless Transmitter Utility 1.5.0 released

Nikon released version 1.5.0 of their Wireless Transmitter Utility. This software is for photographers who use the Communication Unit UT-1 ($374.95), the Wireless Transmitter WT-4 ($749), WT-5 ($559) or the Ethernet feature built into the D4 and D4s cameras. Here are the changes introduced in the new version:

Also posted in Nikon D4s, Nikon Software | Tagged , | 14 Comments

Refurbished Nikon D4 cameras

New Nikon D4 cameras are hard to find in the US, but you can still get refurbished models at those retailers: eBay ($5,188.88) B&H ($5,495) BestBuy ($5,499)

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First Nikon D4s vs. D4 high ISO comparisons

The first Nikon D4s vs. D4 high ISO comparisons (and other D4s information) can be found at Clubsnap. There is also a short video demonstrating the Nikon D4s shutter burst:

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Nikon is rumored to release a new D4 firmware; SanDisk memory card issue is now fixed

Nikon is rumored to release a new D4 firmware update. The new version could be out as early as tomorrow. I have no details on what will be included, but I doubt we will see some of the D4s upgrades to trickle down to the D4.   The Nikon D4 memory card issue (when using the […]

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