The new Nikon AF-S Nikkor 105mm f/1.4E ED lens is now available for pre-order at: Amazon B&H Adorama WEX Photographic (UK) Calumet (UK) Additional information on the new Nikon 105mm f/1.4 lens can be found here.
As I reported last week, a second wave of Nikon D500 cameras has reached US stores. The D500 lens kit is currently in stock at B&H. It seems that even the second shipment was not sufficient to fulfill all existing pre-orders. Future D500 shipments could be delayed even further due to the impact of the recent Kumamoto earthquakes […]
Nikon DL 18-50mm f/1.8-2.8: B&H | BuyDig | Adorama | Amazon Nikon DL 24-85mm f/1.8-2.8: B&H |BuyDig | Adorama | Amazon Nikon DL 24-500mm f/2.8-5.6: B&H |BuyDig | Adorama | Amazon Nikon DF-E1 EVF: B&H Nikon Coolpix B700: B&H | Adorama | Amazon Nikon Coolpix B500: B&H | Adorama | Amazon Nikon Coolpix A900: B&H | Adorama | Amazon UK pre-order links: WEX Photographic | Jessops Shipping will start on April 29, 2016. The new Sigma 50-100mm […]
Nikon Japan announced a delay for the release of the new D500 DSLR camera. The new shipping date for the following products is end of April, 2016: Product name Release Date D500 Late April 2016 D500 16-80 VR lens kit Late April 2016 Wireless Transmitter WT-7 Late April 2016 Multi-Power Battery Pack MB-D17 Late April […]
With the lack of good Nikkor DX wide angle lens choices and the new D500 camera, Tokina got the timing right to release their latest 14-20mm f/2.0 AT-X Pro DX (most of the information already leaked last year). The new lens is now available for pre-order at Adorama and B&H. Shipping is expected in mid-March, 2016. […]
Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR lens pre-order option: B&H Adorama Amazon Amazon Germany Amazon UK WEX (UK) Calumet (UK) Nikon 24mm f/1.8G ED lens pre-order option: B&H Adorama Amazon WEX (UK) Calumet (UK) Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR lens pre-order option: B&H Adorama Amazon WEX (UK) Calumet (UK) More pre-order options will be added soon. […]