Tag Archives: Nikon Z9 camera rumors

Some last moment leaked Nikon Z9 specifications *UPDATED*

I just received another set of Nikon Z9 camera specifications from Asia – nothing really new or breaking, everything is pretty much as I already reported it a few months ago: The Nikon Z9 shutter will close when the camera is off to protect the sensor 45 MP stacked sensor 20 fps (could be also […]

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This could be the Nikon Z9 LCD screen *UPDATED*

The previous Z9 posts have almost 700 comments and Disqus is already acting weird. Time to start a new discussion with what appears to be a leaked picture of the Nikon Z9 LCD screen: Update – the above picture is part of a presentation in Asia – the slide explanation for that screenshot is:

Posted in Nikon Z9 | Also tagged | 197 Comments

Nikon Z9: “this is no catch-up game from Nikon, it’s surpassing the competition with huge margins” (plus a freshly leaked picture of the Z9)

First, here is a new freshly leaked picture of the upcoming Nikon Z9 camera: Back In August I already mentioned that the Nikon Z9 in 2021 will be for Nikon what the Nikon D3 was for Nikon back in 2007 – it will bring Nikon back on top, at least in terms of technology (hopefully […]

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Nikon Z9 teaser #3 commentary

Here is some commentary from Ricci and Matt on the third Nikon Z9 teaser:

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Nikon Z9 teaser #3

The third Nikon Z9 teaser is out: The new teaser shows the Z9 fast shooting mode. A reader downloaded the video, imported it in Premiere and slowed it down enough to count – that burst is 35 frames. The burst lasts for 1.7 seconds so that’s a pretty solid confirmation of the Z9 shooting at […]

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Nikon Z9 teaser #2 is here

Nikon just published their second teaser for the upcoming Nikon Z9 camera (the video already leaked online earlier today):

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Is that the second Nikon Z9 teaser?

Is that the second Nikon Z9 teaser? Update – the video is now removed from Instagram but several readers already uploaded it online:

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