Tag Archives: Nikon SB-700

Another Nikon SB-600 being discontinued story

CompUSA currently doesn’t have the Nikon SB-600 listed on their website. I called them up and the SB-600 is not listed in their inventory system. On the phone they could not confirm whether the SB-600 is discontinued or they just dropped it from their catalog. Here is a live support chat session that I found […]

Posted in Nikon Flashes | Also tagged | 42 Comments

Nikon SB-600 speedlight flash may be discontinued soon

After a report from a reader that Nikon SB-600 may be discontinued at Staples, I decided to contact them and find out about the current availability (the SB-600 is currently listed as out-of-stock). The exact explanation given to me on the phone and during the chat session was that the SB-600 was “put on hold […]

Posted in Other Nikon stuff | Also tagged | 82 Comments

Nikon SB-700

Alibaba is selling digital camera flash tubes for Nikon SB-700 flash unit: At the same time you can make a search for any unreleased Nikon model on this site and you will find several matches: Nikon D800, Nikon D400, etc. The flash tubes however could be real.

Posted in Nikon Flashes | Tagged | 33 Comments