A few months ago I reported about a new Nikon NX Ready trademark for a new smartphone app (already listed at the Google Play store). Nikon is getting close to officially releasing the app – they are currently in the beta testing phase:
Just like I reported last week, today Nikon released the new SnapBridge app for Android devices (download link). The iOS version will be available later this summer. Nikon has been working directly with Apple on the iOS app for several months now. Nikon SnapBridge app for Android screenshots: For more information, check the new dedicated SnapBridge […]
Fstoppers published a controversial video “The iPhone 6s Takes Better Video Than My Professional Nikon DSLR” (the DSLR in question was the Nikon D750). They basically compared the 4k footage from the latest iPhone 6s (down-sampled to 1080p) to the 1080p footage from the Nikon D750. Their conclusion? The iPhone won:
Nikon released a new iPad app called NIKKOR & ACC that provides various information on the current Nikkor lineup such as lens characteristics, specs, lens design, MTF charts, sample photos, accessories and more. The free app can be downloaded directly from the Apple Store (requires iOS 8.0 or higher):
In addition to the new Nikon Image Space website, Nikon also updated their free apps for Android and iOS based devices (previously myPicturetown). Here are the download links for the new versions: iPhone and iPad apps on iTunes Androird app on Google Play It seems that Nikon still has not fixed the long list of issues with […]