Tag Archives: Nikon full frame mirrorless camera

Will Dr. EVIL knock on Nikon’s door? (Nikon EVIL camera recap)

No, no that Dr. Evil. I am talking about EVIL camera (Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens). There has been a lot of talk lately on that topic. Other companies are not shy of releasing EVIL products left and right, the latest one being the Ricoh GXR, which has a cartridge system that packs the lens and […]

Posted in Nikon 1, Nikon Patents | Also tagged | 28 Comments

More Nikon patents – hint for a mirrorless Nikon camera?

Nikon filed a bunch of patents at the end of 2008 – here is the patent search result of Nikon + lens. Please note that most of those are just patent applications and may or may not lead to a final production model. The first interesting patent appears to be for a 24mm f/1.4 (application […]

Posted in Nikon 1, Nikon Lenses, Nikon Patents | Also tagged | 60 Comments