Tag Archives: lawsuit

RED vs. Nikon patent lawsuit dismissed

The RED vs. Nikon patent lawsuit has been dismissed:

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Nikon is denying RED’s accusations and will be fighting the lawsuit

Back in May I reported that RED is suing Nikon for infringing on its video compression patents. The latest update is that Nikon is denying RED’s accusations and will be fighting the lawsuit:

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RED is suing Nikon for infringing on its video compression patents

RED is suing Nikon for infringing on its video compression patents. The lawsuit was filed in California yesterday (PDF file):

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ASML and Zeiss win the patent lawsuit filed by Nikon

Last year Nikon sued ASML and Carl Zeiss over patented semiconductor lithography technology. The court in The Hague dealing with intellectual property has ruled that ASML and Zeiss have not violated any Nikon patents:

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U.S. International Trade Commission has launched a patent infringement investigation of certain Nikon digital cameras, software and components

       Reuters reports that the U.S. International Trade Commission has launched a patent infringement investigation of certain Nikon digital cameras, software and components triggered by a complaint from Carl Zeiss and ASML. Everything started last month when Nikon filed a lawsuit against ASML and Carl Zeiss over patented semiconductor lithography technology. Three days […]

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Zeiss and ASML are suing Nikon back

Both Zeiss and ASML are suing Nikon back as a result of the patent infringing lawsuit filed by Nikon a few days ago. You can find both press releases here and here:

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Nikon is suing ASML and Carl Zeiss over patented semiconductor lithography technology

Nikon is suing ASML and Carl Zeiss for using their chip know-how. ASML is denying that it has infringed any of Nikon’s patents. Zeiss is considering Nikon’s legal action unfounded. Update – ASML also issued a press release on Nikon’s lawsuit, here are their main points: ASML believes Nikon’s claims are without merit and will defend […]

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Nikon reached a settlement for the patent infringement lawsuit against Sigma

Nikon reports that it reached a settlement for the patent infringement lawsuit against Sigma filed in Japan in 2011. The amount of the settlement Nikon received from Sigma was not disclosed:

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