Tag Archives: Autofocus adapter for Leica M lenses on Nikon Z cameras

Just announced: new Techart TZM-02 Leica M lens to Nikon Z camera autofocus adapter (version II)

The previously rumored Techart TZM-02 Leica M lens to Nikon Z camera autofocus adapter (version II) is now officially announced. The new 2nd generation is the first adapter of its kind that can support video AF. AF-S/AF-C shooting in stills mode was also improved. The TZM-02 is currently in stock at Amazon and eBay (coming […]

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Fotodiox PRONTO LM-NKZ-PRN autofocus lens adapter now available (Leica M lens → Nikon Z mount camera)

A while back I briefly mentioned the Fotodiox PRONTO LM-NKZ-PRN autofocus lens adapter (Leica M lens → Nikon Z mount camera) but I never really followed up with more details. The adapter is now in stock at Amazon (more on the way at B&H Photo) – here are the details:

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The Techart TZM-01 Leica M to Nikon Z autofocus lens adapter now available for purchase

The new Techart TZM-01 lens adapter that lets you autofocus Leica M-mount lenses on Nikon Z mirrorless cameras is now available for purchase at Amazon and eBay. This is the second M to Z AF option after the Megadap MTZ11 adapter (available at the PROS). Additional information on the Techart TZM-01:

Posted in Nikon Mirrorless Camera | Also tagged , , , , , | 39 Comments

You can purchase the new Megadap MTZ11 autofocus adapter for Leica M lenses to Nikon Z cameras here (free international shipping)

The new Megadap MTZ11 Leica M to Nikon Z autofocus adapter, which allows you to autofocus Leica M-mount lenses on Nikon Z mirrorless cameras, is now available for order at the PhotoRumors Online Store with free international shipping. Megadap MTZ11 technical specifications and additional information:

Posted in Nikon Mirrorless Camera | Also tagged , , , , , , | 28 Comments

The Autofocus adapter for Leica M lenses on Nikon Z cameras now in stock (Megadap MTZ11)

The new Megadap MTZ11 autofocus adapter for Leica M-mount lenses on Nikon Z cameras is now in stock at Amazon and eBay (this adapter will let you autofocus Leica M-mount lenses on Nikon Z mirrorless cameras). I reported on the Techart version (TZM-01) of this adapter last week. Update: the Megadap MTZ11 Leica M to Nikon […]

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You can finally autofocus Leica M-mount lenses on Nikon Z mirrorless cameras with the new Techart TZM-01 adapter

Now you finally autofocus Leica M-mount lenses on Nikon Z mirrorless cameras with the upcoming Techart TZM-01 lens adapter. Here are two video demos of the new adapter in action:

Posted in Nikon Mirrorless Camera | Also tagged , , , , | 79 Comments