Category Archives: Nikon Patents

The latest Nikon patents

Photogrpahybay found this US patent application 20110205636 from Nikon for a 10-100mm f/4.5-5.6 VR lens (27-270mm equivalent) which is probably the super zoom that will be announced with the new mirrorless camera: Patent 2011-085674 filed by Nikon in Japan is for GPS enabled battery grip (there were some rumors several months ago that the D700 replacement may have such GPS […]

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The latest Nikon patents

Nikon patent 2011-138044 is for a biological detection system that will sense photographer’s biorhythms (temperature, sweating, blood pressure, heart rate, blood flow) through a sensor on the zoom ring and change the camera setting or even trigger the shutter in certain situations:  

Posted in Nikon Patents | 77 Comments

Picture of Nikon’s mirrorless camera mount

Picture of the mount and sensor of upcoming Nikon mirrorless camera named “X810” leaked on the Chineses forum Xitek: Brief translation (thanks B.): the new mirrorless demo machine is here, temperatly named X810. The user is not going to post pictures of the whole camera due to trade secret and he do not want to […]

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Nikon Micro 40mm f/2.8 lens patents (updated)

Update: Nikon’s lens patent 20110170195 seems to have the correct lens diagram for the recently announced AF-S DX Micro 40mm f/2.8G lens. The patent got published online just two days after the lens got announced! (thanks Astrophotographer) A reader asked me if Nikon has previously filed any patents for the recently announced AF-S DX Micro 40mm f/2.8G lens. I […]

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Two new patents from Nikon

The first patent application 2011-128499 is for a way to reduce the flange focal distance and is obviously for Nikon’s upcoming mirrorless camera. On one of the drawings the camera has a built-in viewfinder (50):

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Nikon patents update

Patents application 2011-113052 is for a 50mm f/1.2 lens (the patent describes also a f/2 version). This is the second patent for fast 50mm lens (see previous patent): Patent application 2011-112832 is for a 24-145mm or 28-145mm f/4 lens: Patent application 2011-118379 is for a 200mm f/3.2 Macro lens (again, several different designs were described with focal lengths ranging from 160-220mm and […]

Posted in Nikon Patents | 130 Comments

Nikon AF-S 105mm f/2 lens patent

Back in December of 2010 I reported on a rumor for a new Nikon AF-S 105mm f/2 VRII Nano lens: “2011 fall no more DC but VR and 77mm filter size min. focusing to 3.6 feet and max magnification of 1:3.4 priced at $2199 no more 135DC” Yesterday a patent for a new Nikon 105mm f/2 lens […]

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