Category Archives: Nikon Flashes

First pictures of the Nikon D750, SB500 and 20mm f/1.8G

Update: all rumored Nikon products are now officially announced. Those are the First pictures of the Nikon D750 camera, SB500 Speedlight flash and 20mm f/1.8G FX lens taken from an online store. Yesterday I already reported the prices of the Nikon D750 in Germany. I now also have the EU prices of the SB500 flash (GN 24 with additional […]

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With the D750 Nikon will announce also a new MB-D16 battery grip

In addition to the D750 camera, SB500 flash and Nikkor 20mm f/1.8G FX lens (see this post), Nikon will also announce a new MB-D16 battery grip for the D750. All of those products were confirmed also by digicame-info (they always get correct information right before the announcement). Expect the press releases to be out around midnight tonight EST (Thursday) or […]

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What to expect from Nikon for Photokina

A quick recap on what to expect from Nikon for Photokina. First, an updated list of Nikon D750 specifications: 24.3MP full frame sensor (99% sure) EXPEED 4 imaging processor (some rumors suggested dual EXPEED 4 processor, but I doubt it) 51 AF points (some rumors suggested a new 79 points AF system, but I don’t think Nikon will […]

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Nikon will also announce a new SB-500 Speedlight flash

In addition to the D750 DSLR camera, Nikon will also announce a new SB-500 Speedlight flash. The SB-400 has already been listed as discontinued (previously reported here and here) and I think the new SB-500 will be its replacement. If you make a search on for “SB-500”, you will see that at some point the flash was […]

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Profoto Air Remote TTL-N for Nikon cameras officially announced

Few weeks ago I mentioned on the blog that this is coming soon: Profoto now officially announced their Nikon version of the Air Remote TTL-N wireless control for the Profoto B1 flash. The price is $395 (pre-orders are up at B&H and Adorama). Shipping will start on September 15th, 2014. High sync mode option will most […]

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New Metz Mecablitz 64 AF-1 flash for Nikon cameras to be announced this month

Metz will soon announce a new Mecablitz 64 AF-1 flash for Nikon cameras. The new product is already listed on several online stores in Europe. Here are the translated specifications:

Posted in Nikon Flashes | Tagged | 42 Comments

Nissin i40 compact flash for Nikon cameras now shipping

Last month Nissin announced their new i40 compact flash with LED lights for Nikon cameras. The i40 is now shipping and is currently in stock ($269). Additional information:

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