Monthly Archives: May 2015

Deal of the day: Nikon D4 for $2,995.95

Adorama currently has refurbished Nikon D4 cameras for $2,995.95 with free shipping (lowest price so far). This deal is available on their website and on their eBay store. Only 3 units were left at the time of this post. The cameras are refurbished by Nikon USA and come with 90 days USA warranty.

Posted in Deals, Nikon D4 | Tagged | 43 Comments

Nikon Capture NX-D 1.2.1, ViewNX-i 1.0.1 and Picture Control Utility 2.1.1 released with support for the D810A camera

Nikon released new versions of Capture NX-D, ViewNX-i and Picture Control Utility 2 – all three products now support the D810A camera. Here are the download links: Products Version Capture NX-D Ver.1.2.1 ViewNX-i Ver.1.0.1 Picture Control Utility 2 Ver.2.1.1 Change log:

Posted in Nikon D810a, Nikon Software | Tagged , , | 12 Comments

Firmware updates v1.10 for the Nikon 1 V3 camera and v2.4 for the UT-1 communication unit released

Nikon released firmware update for the Nikon 1 V3 mirrorless camera with support for the Camera Control Pro 2 v2.22.0 software, allowing the following operations to be performed:

Posted in Nikon 1 | Tagged , | 14 Comments

Nikon apologizes for not being able to keep up with the Coolpix P900 demand

Nikon Japan issues an official apology on their website for not being able to keep up with the demand for the Coolpix P900 camera that has been out of stock for months. Nikon promised to speed-up the production, but did not give a specific availability date. UPDATE: the Nikon P900 camera is currently in stock at […]

Posted in Nikon Point and Shoot | Tagged | 115 Comments

Weekly Nikon news flash #316

→ White Knight Press has released its newest camera guide book: Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P610: Getting the Most from Nikon’s Superzoom Digital Camera. → Topaz Simplify plugin is 30% off till the end of May. → New Gariz Alcantara AT-DFCG half case for Nikon Df camera announced. → New Meyer Optik Goerlitz […]

Posted in Weekly Nikon News Flash | Tagged | 14 Comments

Gary Yost on shooting infrared music video underwater with a Nikon D200 and D5200 IR converted cameras

In this guest posts Gary Yost ( will share his experience on shooting infrared music video underwater with a Nikon D200 and D5200 IR converted cameras. See also his previous posts on the “Hawaiian Tree Bones” infrared time-lapse and the Full Moon Pacific Blanket time-lapse videos. The SF-based band Yassou Benedict came to me in June of 2014 […]

Posted in Other Nikon stuff | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Yongnuo 50mm f/1.8 and 35mm f/2 lenses for Nikon F mount coming later this year

A quick update on the upcoming Yongnuo lenses for Nikon F mount from Petapixel – 50mm f/1.8 and 35mm f/2 versions will be released later this year:

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