Tag Archives: Nikon Rebates

New Nikon US rebates: up to $300 off on select Nikkor Z and F lenses, $500 off the Nikon D850, $300 off the D780

Nikon USA introduced new rebates for the month of May – you can find the new pricing at Adorama, B&H Photo and Amazon. The new discounts include Nikkor Z and F mount lenses as well as $500 off the Nikon D850 and $300 off the Nikon D780 cameras. Here is the full list: Product Reg […]

Posted in Deals, Nikon D780, Nikon D850, Nikon Lenses | Also tagged , , | 117 Comments

New Nikon Z5, Z6, Z7, and FTZ rebates introduced in the US

Here are the new Nikon rebates for the US I mentioned a few days ago: Nikon Z5 = $997 (was $1,397): Adorama | Amazon | B&H Nikon Z5 + 24-50mm = $1,297 (was $1,697): Adorama | Amazon | B&H Nikon Z5 + 24-200mm = $1,697 (was $2,197): Adorama | Amazon | B&H Nikon Z6 = $1,397 (was $1,997): Adorama […]

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10% off on all Nikon F-mount lenses in Europe for the next two weeks

It seems that the 10% lens discount I reported a few days ago is only for Nikon F-mount lenses and only valid for some (all?) European countries – the new discount should already be active in Germany and the UK: DE: Amazon | Calumet | Foto Erhardt UK: Amazon | WEX | Park Cameras

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Nikon’s February Nikkor F-mount lens rebates are ending this week

The Nikon USA instant rebates for nine different Nikkor F-mount lenses are ending on February 26 – see the details at Adorama and B&H. Here is the full list:  Lens  Original  Rebate  Final  Adorama  B&H  Amazon 58 1.4 $1,597 $150 $1,447 Adorama B&H Amazon 20 1.8 $797 $80 $717 Adorama B&H Amazon 24 1.4 $1,997 $200 $1,797 Adorama […]

Posted in Deals, Nikon Lenses | Also tagged | 36 Comments

Nikon rebates for February 2021: instant lens discounts on nine Nikkor F-mount lenses

For the month of February Nikon USA introduced instant lens rebates for nine different Nikkor F-mount lenses: Adorama | B&H. Here is the full list :  Lens  Original  Rebate  Final  Adorama  B&H  Amazon 58 1.4 $1,597 $150 $1,447 Adorama B&H Amazon 20 1.8 $797 $80 $717 Adorama B&H Amazon 24 1.4 $1,997 $200 $1,797 Adorama […]

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New Nikon Z5 discounts in Europe (€150 sofortrabatt | £135 savings)

Nikon introduced new Z5 savings in Europe: Park Cameras (UK) Calumet (DE) Foto Erhardt (DE) The same Nikon Z5 savings should also be available at Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon ES New Nikon rebates are also expected in the US on February 1st – stay tuned!

Posted in Deals, Nikon Z5 | Also tagged , , | 31 Comments

The Nikon rebates in Germany (Sofort-Rabatt) are expiring this weekend

The Nikon rebates in Germany (Sofort-Rabatt) are expiring this weekend (on January 10th): Calumet Foto Erhardt Amazon DE The Nikon US rebates for January 2021 can be found here.

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