Tag Archives: Nikon ES-2 film digitizing adapter set

The new Nikon ES-2 film digitizing adapter set for the D850 is still not available

After the initial delay, the new Nikon ES-2 film digitizing adapter set for the D850 DSLR camera was supposed to start shipping on March 30, 2018. A reader from the Nikon D850 Facebook group recently contacted Nikon and there is still no release date available: Update – the Nikon ES-2 is already shipping in Japan and is currently […]

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The new Nikon ES-2 film digitizing adapter set for the D850 will start shipping on March 30, 2018

After the initial delay, Nikon Japan just released an update on the Nikon ES-2 film digitizing adapter set for the D850 – shipping for the following products will start on March 30, 2018: Nikon ES-2 film digitalizing adapter set (B&H | Adorama | WEX) Nikon FH-4 strip film holder (B&H | Adorama | WEX) Nikon FH-5 slide mount holder (B&H | Adorama | WEX) In order […]

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The new Nikon ES-2 film digitizing adapter set for the D850 delayed until March 2018

Nikon Japan released an update that the new Nikon ES-2 film digitizing adapter set ($139.95) for the D850 will be delayed until mid-March, 2018. The adapter will let you scan film at 45.7MP: “The ES-2 is a Film Digitizing Adapter that lets you easily convert your film images to digital. Taking advantage of the high-pixel […]

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Nikon D850 negative digitizer mode

Nikon D850 negative digitizer mode by Richard Haw Hello, everybody! Here in this blog post, I will show you how to access the Nikon D850’s unique “Negative Digitizer Mode”. Now, I would apologize for the lack of sound on my video because for some reason my iPhone picked up nothing. So I was talking loudly making […]

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New for the D850: Nikon ES-2 film digitizing adapter set – scan film at 45.7MP

You probably already noticed in my post from earlier today that Nikon has also announced some new and interesting accessories for the D850 camera – now you can scan your film at 45.7MP: Nikon ES-2 film digitalizing adapter set Nikon FH-4 strip film holder Nikon FH-5 slide mount holder In order to use the kit, […]

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