Category Archives: Nikon D810

Copying photographic film with the Nikon D810 and a shoe box

Copying photographic film with the Nikon D810 and a shoe box by Anthony McKee ( While many photographers are keenly waiting for the new Nikon ES2 film digitising adapter set to arrive in stores, I have been making use of my own Nikon film copying kit that I put together a while ago using a Nikon […]

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Nikon releases new firmware updates for the D4, D4s, Df, D800, D800E, D810, D810A, D7100 and D7200 cameras

Nikon just released firmware updates for nine different DSLR cameras. Most of the changes are for adding AF-P lens support (maybe a new AF-P lens is coming soon):

Also posted in Nikon D4, Nikon D4s, Nikon D7100, Nikon D7200, Nikon D800, Nikon D810a, Nikon Df | Tagged | 49 Comments

Back in Antarctica

Stefan Christmann recently returned from Antarctica and after a few weeks of adapting to the real world he wrote this post about some technical aspects of shooting with Nikon gear in Antarctica. You can find Stefan’s work on his website, Instagram and Facebook. You can check also his previous [NR] guest post (click on images for larger view): Soft clouds […]

Also posted in Nikon D500, Other Nikon stuff | Tagged , | 53 Comments

Photographing the Dolomites with a Nikon D610 and D810

Photographing the Dolomites with a Nikon D610 and D810 Professional adventure photographer James Rushforth has just completed his long term project to document 52 (it was originally 50 but choosing proved difficult) of the most scenic photogenic locations in the Italian Dolomites. His guidebook is aimed at helping aspiring and professional photographers to choose a […]

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First Nikon D850 vs. D810 high ISO comparison published online *UPDATED*

Foto Info published the first Nikon D850 vs. D810 high ISO comparison (click for larger view):

Also posted in Nikon D850 | 176 Comments

Nikon D850 vs. Nikon D810 specifications comparison

Nikon D850 vs. Nikon D810 specifications comparison based on the data provided on Nikon USA website:

Also posted in Nikon D850 | 42 Comments

2017 Solar Eclipse by Geoff Livingston

2017 Solar Eclipse by Geoff Livingston (Web | Instagram | Twitter): I traveled to Clemson, S.C. today to photograph the total solar eclipse for my company Legends of Learning. We took a class of Cobb County science students to see the eclipse. To photograph it, we set up a Nikon D810 with a Nikkor 200-500 mm f5.6 […]

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