Just few interesting (and funny) videos to get us trough Hump Dayyyy: Funny Nikon Df:
Adobe released new versions of Lightroom 5.3 and Camera Raw 8.3 with support for the latest Nikon cameras and lenses. Download links: Lightroom 5.3: Mac | Windows. Camera Raw 8.3: Mac | Windows New Nikon cameras support:
Nikon D5300: new carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastics body Nikon listed on their website that the new D5300 ($796.95) is made out of a “newly developed monocoque structure with carbon fiber reinforced plastic material“, similar to the material used in Formula 1 race cars and in the new Boeing Dreamliner 787. The new material is called Sereebo carbon […]
In addition to the US, the Nikon D5300 is now available for pre-order on Amazon UK, Germany and Japan: Nikon D5300 @ Amazon US Nikon D5300 @ Amazon UK Nikon D5300 @ Amazon Germany Nikon D5300 @ Amazon Japan The Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 58mm f/1.4G lens is currently listed only on Amazon US and Amazon Japan.