The latest Nikon D800 updates:
- Adorama and B&H are now taking pre-orders for the Nikon MB-D12 battery grip for D800 (MS-D12EN battery tray is also available).
- Today the CP+ show opened its doors in Japan and the D800 will be on display – see the first image of the Nikon booth. I will have several readers sending me images and reports from the show and I will post them online in the next few days.
- Nikon D800 is expected to start shipping on March 18th, 2012 for the US.
- New post on the Nikon D800 from Cliff Mautner with some high ISO samples. You can also see his gallery on the D800 micro site.
- Nikon D800 thoughts by Milan Josipovic (incl. downloadable TIFF image).
- Jim Brandenburg shot the D800 in France.
- Nikon D800 was ready for release in the first half of 2011 but the disasters in Japan and Thailand caused the delay. This image by Rob Van Petten for example was probably taken on July 1st 2011. How do I know? Because of the Empire State Building light patterns – on that date the Empire State was lit with what they refer to as private lighting (blue, lavender, and purple). See the Empire State Building lighting schedule.