Tag Archives: third party lenses for Nikon F-mount

New: Meyer Optik Görlitz Trioplan 50 f/2.8 II full-frame lens for Nikon F-mount

The new Meyer Optik Görlitz Trioplan 50 f/2.8 II full-frame lens for Nikon F-mount is now available for sale at B&H. This is an updated version of the previous model (additional information, including sample photos and the full press release, can be found here):

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More new third-party lenses for Nikon Z and F mounts released

In addition to the new Tokina SZX 400mm f/8 Reflex MF lens, two other lenses for Nikon cameras were just released: Meike 50mm f/1.2 lens for Nikon Z priced at $359.99 (more information available here). Meyer Optik Görlitz Lydith 30mm f/3.5 II lens for Nikon F-mount priced at $899 (more information available here).

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The new Tokina SZX 400mm f/8 Reflex MF lens for Nikon F-mount is now available for pre-order

The new Tokina SZX Super Tele 400mm f/8 Reflex MF lens for Nikon F-mount is now available for pre-pre-order at Adorama and B&H. The lens actually comes with T-mount and can be attached to a Nikon DSLR F-mount camera with an adapter (other mounts available as well): Additional pictures of the Tokina SZX 400mm f/8 Reflex […]

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Zenit announced two new lenses for Nikon F-mount: Zenitar 60mm f/2.8 macro and Selena 58mm f/1.9 lenses

In the past two weeks Zenit announced two new lenses for Nikon F-mount:

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New: Meike 85mm f/1.8 full-frame AF lens for Nikon F-mount

After the 35mm f/1.4 and 50mm f/1.2 mirrorless lenses for Nikon Z-mount, Meike officially announced a new 85mm f/1.8 full-frame AF lens for Nikon F-mount. I first reported about this lens back in 2018 – it’s Meike’s first autofocus lens. The company also has two additional lenses for Z-mount: 50mm f/1.7 and 85mm f/2.8 (Adorama | B&H). Additional information […]

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New: Tokina SZX Super Tele 400mm f/8 reflex MF lens for Nikon F-mount

Tokina announced a new SZX Super Tele 400mm f/8 reflex MF lens with T-mount that can be attached to a Nikon DSLR F-mount camera with an adapter (other mounts available as well): For pricing and availability check Adorama and B&H. The press release can be found here. More information is available on Tokina’s website. Additional […]

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The new Samyang/Rokinon 14mm f/2.8 and 85mm f/1.4 II lenses for Nikon F-mount are now available for pre-order

The new Samyang/Rokinon 14mm f/2.8 and 85mm f/1.4 series II manual focus lenses with AE chip for Nikon F-mount are now available for pre-order: Samyang/Rokinon 14mm f/2.8 II lens for Nikon: Adorama | B&H Samyang/Rokinon 85mm f/1.4 II lens for Nikon: Adorama | B&H The lenses were announced back in May – additional information can be found here:

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